Page 40 - Gi February 2022
P. 40
igem news
decarbonisation and future fuels field.
“The Hydrogen Knowledge Centre now
serves the needs of 2,500 visitors each
month and continues to advance its reach
globally, thanks to the input and support
of our collaborators working across
industry, academia and government.”
Since the repository’s launch,
discussions around hydrogen have
ramped up significantly. There has
been a large focus on hydrogen in
industry and, with COP26 heightening
the focus on hydrogen and the
Energy Networks Association’s recent
announcement that Britain’s gas grid
will be ready to start blending up to 20
per cent hydrogen from 2023, it’s clear
that hydrogen is here to stay.
“Thanks to the input and support
of our collaborators working across
industry, academia and government, we
have been able to bring our members
access to the latest knowledge. The
emergence of hydrogen trials across
As the one-year anniversary of the launch of our ground- the UK requires new hydrogen
breaking Hydrogen Knowledge Centre approaches, IGEM technical standards to be developed
Marketing Assistant Jodie Shepherd looks back over the and adaptations to existing IGEM
technical standards – these are now
development of this world-first digital repository, which has searchable on the Hydrogen Knowledge
recently been nominated for a prestigious industry award Centre, including the accompanying
research and evidence that underpin
IN MARCH 2021, IGEM launched the Energy Innovation Programme, the the standards. Examples include
Hydrogen Knowledge Centre – a world Hydrogen Knowledge Centre, which the HSE’s ‘Review of IGEM/SR/25
class digital repository dedicated to was the first of its kind, is now home to for use with Hydrogen’ and DNV’s
the advancement of hydrogen learning more than 2,800 hydrogen resources ‘Impact Assessment of Hydrogen on
globally and supporting the transition from 320 sources across 70 countries. Transmission Pipeline BPDs in IGEM/
to a net zero carbon emissions future. Resources include academic journal TD/1’,” Sayda said.
As the one-year anniversary since its articles, conference papers, technical “With hydrogen expected to play a
launch approaches, IGEM is delighted reports, policy papers, project pivotal role in global decarbonisation
that the Hydrogen Knowledge Centre documents, presentations, and videos. efforts, the need for information sharing
has been nominated for the Best Discussing the repository’s has become increasingly important.
Collaborative Initiative Award at the UK anniversary, IGEM’s Policy, Information With the support of our collaborators,
Energy Innovation Awards 2022. & Records Manager, Sayda Lees- IGEM has developed a carefully curated,
The Energy Innovation Awards Manning said: “One year on, global comprehensive repository of hydrogen
celebrate the greatest in innovation ambitions for hydrogen have continued resources which is helping to advance
across the industry and the Best to grow and as such the pace of hydrogen knowledge across the UK and
Collaborative Initiative Award research into hydrogen technologies internationally. We’re delighted that this
celebrates collaboration within the and supporting frameworks has valuable resource has been nominated
energy sector and beyond. This increased significantly. for an Energy Innovation Award
category highlights initiatives that “We have continued to capture this alongside some outstanding finalists.”
involve at least three organisations, evolution of knowledge through our The Energy Innovation Awards will
which have developed, or are content qualification process, with the take place on 3 March 2022, at the
developing, a breakthrough innovative repository more than doubling in size Titanic Hotel, Liverpool.
solution. These are solutions that have since its launch. This consolidated,
the potential to be widely adopted searchable font of knowledge is of IGEM’s Hydrogen Knowledge Centre
either within a sector or cross-sector. considerable value to those working, can be accessed at
With initial support from the BEIS studying and policy making in the
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