Page 39 - Gi February 2022
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igem news

                                                                                   DECOMMISSIONED IS A new book by
                 IGEM’S HISTORY PANEL CONTRIBUTES  photographer Laura Fisher, serving
                 TO NEW GASHOLDER PHOTOBOOK                                        as a visual archive documenting the
                                                                                   remaining gasholders across England,
                                                                                   Scotland and Wales.
                                                                                    Six years in the making (2015 - 2021)
                                                                                   and covering 120 gasholder sites,
                                                                                   it takes viewers on a chronological
                                                                                   journey covering an area from
                                                                                   Plymouth to Inverness.
                                                                                    By 2025, most of these iconic
                                                                                   structures will be consigned only
                                                                                   to memory, leaving a gap in the
                                                                                   UK landscape.
                                                                                    Laura said: “As a photographer I felt
                                                                                   compelled to record these industrial
                                                                                   icons for future generations. I felt
                                                                                   a huge responsibility in doing this,
                                                                                   wanting to show my passion for them
                                                                                   and by doing them justice.”
                                                                                    The IGEM History Panel provided
                                                                                   invaluable historical insight into the
                                                                                   production of this book and also made
                                                                                   a generous donation towards printing
                                                                                   costs along with other sponsors.
                                                                                    The first edition is limited to 500
                                                                                   copies with a foreword by Professor
                                                                                   Russell Thomas.
                                                                                    The book can be ordered direct
                                                                                   from Laura Fisher via email at

                  CALENDAR        To enquire about any of IGEM’s forthcoming events or to exhibit at or sponsor an event, please contact the events team on
                                  +44(0)1509 678150 or email Further details for each of the events can be found at

                 Technical Training               Section Events                   national events
                  feb  Hydrogen and the Natural Gas Network  London, Southern and Eastern Section  mar  Sir Denis Rooke Memorial Lecture
                 15-16  Virtual                    feb  London Showcase and Lions’ Lair  23  11 Cavendish Square, London
                                                   10  Holiday Inn, Bloomsbury, London
                  feb  IGEM/G/5 Gas in Multi Occupancy Buildings                    mar  Gas Utilisation
                 23-24  Virtual                   North East and Yorkshire Section   29  National Conference Centre,
                                                   apr  North East & Yorkshire Section Spring   Solihull, Birmingham
                  mar  IGEM/G/5 Gas in Multi Occupancy Buildings  22  Charity Ball
                 09-10  Virtual                   Thorpe Park Hotel & Spa, Leeds
                                                                                   Save the date

                  mar  Hydrogen and the Natural Gas Network  feb  Innovation Event 2022 - NuFlow and   may  EUA & IGEM Gas Industry Awards 2022,
                 15-16  Virtual                    15  Synthotech Virtual           11  London Hilton on Park Lane

                  mar  Introduction to IGEM/TD/1 and IGEM/TD/2  feb  Innovation Event 2022
                 15,16,18  Virtual                 16   - ROSEN and Steve Vick Virtual  Social Housing Sector
                                                                                    feb  Graphical Information Systems – Asset and
                  apr  Introduction to IGEM/TD/3   feb  Innovation Event 2022 - Petro Fiorentini   21  Inspection Management Using GIS Tools
                 12-13  12 and 13 April            17  and STATS (UK) Virtual      Virtual
                                                   mar  LeakVISION - the in-pipe leak
                  apr  IGEM/SR/25 Advanced Practitioner Workshop  03  visualisation system Virtual  IA Section
                  13  Virtual                                                        mar  Gas Goes Green - Britain’s Blending Plan
                                                  Midlands Section                  07  Virtual
                  apr  IGEM/TD/1 Design and Planning  mar  Innovation Showcase
                 26,27,29  Virtual                 16  IGEM House, Kegworth        *IGEM events and training courses are subject to change based
                                                                                   on government guidance relating to Covid-19 please check the
                                                                                   website for the latest information.


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