Page 41 - Gi February 2022
P. 41

igem news


                 COMING TOGETHER                                                   negative headlines that emerged following
                                                                                     Hari said it can be hard to counter

                                                                                   COP26, but there was nevertheless a lot of
                                                                                   progress at the summit in particular with
                                                                                   regards to the debate over coal. Ninety per
                                                                                   cent of all global GDP is now under a net
                 Industry figures gather for a special business luncheon hosted    zero target, he said. Unfortunately, all the
                 by both IGEM and Energy and Utilities Alliance (EUA)              targets together still do not amount to a
                                                                                   1.5°C limit on warming.
                 AS COVID-19 RESTRICTIONS lifted    Ollie then welcomed guest speaker   The solution, he said, is a level of
                 across the UK, guests from both IGEM   Hari Vamadevan, Regional Director, UK   systems thinking that includes not only
                 and Energy and Utilities Alliance (EUA)   & Ireland, Energy Systems at DNV, who   the moves to decarbonise, but also the
                 gathered at London’s Park Lane Hilton   gave an impassioned speech about the   overall effect of those moves. It is no
                 to discuss the future of the gas industry   future of the net zero challenge and the   use, for example, to pat yourself on the
                 over a special business luncheon.   work the various arms of industry and   back for decarbonising one industry
                   A reunion of sorts after two years   energy supply are doing to achieve the   if the effect of that decision is higher
                 spent apart due to the pandemic, the   all-important limit of 1.5°C as adopted   imports from countries with vastly
                 event saw leading industry figures   under the Paris Agreement.    higher emissions.
                 with ties to both organisations come   “COP26, energy transition, oil and   “At a system level it’s really, really
                 together to share their thoughts on the   gas – the words that can’t be said in the   simple – but we just need to make sure
                 energy transition.               room apart from with you guys (and   we can deliver it and decarbonise one
                   EUA CEO Mike Foster welcomed the   it’s really nice to hang out with you   molecule at a time.”
                 guests before yielding the floor to IGEM   guys) and the UK,” said Hari. “That’s   After lunch, the floor was then given
                 CEO Ollie Lancaster, who said: “I’m so   an interesting set of topics to find our   to the audience for a lively open floor
                 pleased that we’ve been able to gather   way through.”            discussion, with contributions from
                 together around our shared interests in   “I think the Chinese would call these   people such as net zero champion Chris
                 what the gas system will look like in the   interesting times, which is code for   Train, Executive and Senior Adviser at
                 future and where we are heading.”  ‘real uncertainty – it’s time to worry’.   CT Energy, and David Parkin, Director of
                   Ollie added that it was refreshing to   The once-upon-a-time chemical   Progressive Energy.
                 be able to step away from the “industry   engineer in me would call it ‘a lot of   Guests were then able to spend the
                 merry-go-round” of COP26 and reflect   degrees of freedom, with quite a lot of   afternoon networking with other industry
                 on some of the achievements of the gas   interdependent parameters’, which is   figures or sharing a drink with colleagues
                 industry to date.                quite challenging,” he added.    before they went their separate ways.


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