Page 33 - Gi February 2022
P. 33
igem news
winner and this year it was Dexter to be powered by a power bank. try and do one better next year.”
Hong, Engineer at the Hong Kong & The key functions of the device are For the first time ever, and proving
China Gas Co and winner of the FEDS remote monitoring (offering real-time just how tight the competition was,
YPPC heat, that took the top spot. status), a leave home alert which notifies third place was awarded to both Suki
Dexter’s presentation, ‘Development the appliance when the user leaves Ferris, Hydrogen Market Strategy Lead
of a smart control device for domestic home and a remote shut-off device. at National Grid, and Luke MacDonald,
cooking appliances’ included an The project clearly got the judges’ Engineering Manager at SGN.
important introduction about fire seal of approval, with Lucy describing Suki’s presentation focused on
accidents relating to stoves in Hong it as “absolutely fascinating” and Hydrogen Guarantees of Origin. She
Kong. He referred to a housing Ben saying it was an “excellent said: “Participating in the IGEM YPPC
authority study from 2019 in which presentation and a really good was a really great experience, and I
over 60 per cent of those interviewed innovative safe product, I really would highly recommend all eligible
admitted that they forgot to turn the enjoyed it”. Host George agreed, saying to apply. I really enjoyed getting to
stove off at least once a week, making it it “sounds like a great innovation”. meet new gas industry colleagues and
a “very serious problem”. On winning the competition, Dexter learning about how much our industry
In light of this finding, Hong Kong’s said: “It was my first time taking part is changing. Achieving third place
first ever smart hob has been launched, in this international competition and was a huge privilege, and I am really
allowing users to perform safety I was so surprised to win as other the grateful to IGEM for organising such a
functions via smartphone, such as competitors performed so well. My fantastic competition.”
obtaining the real-time status of the team and I have worked on this project Luke’s presentation looked at the
appliance and turning it off remotely. for nearly two years and this award is Stornoway odorant changeover. On
In his presentation, Dexter said it will a great honour – it really affirms our placing third, in the competition he said:
take an estimated eight years for the efforts. Thank you IGEM for organising “The YPPC was something I had never
complete transition from non-smart this great virtual event and giving me heard of before and when I saw the advert
appliances to smart appliances to take the opportunity to learn from so many I decided late on to go for it with my
place. Therefore, work has been taking impressive projects.” interesting project involving the odorant
place to find a low-cost approach to In second place was Michael changover programme in Stornoway – I
address safety concerns in the interim. Sinclair, Graduate Engineer at Cadent. am now extremely glad I did.
This led to the idea to design a Michael’s presentation about a “I have thoroughly enjoyed the
smart control device with three key hydrogen-powered construction site experience and have had a chance to
components: a flow sensor, a shut-off looked at the innovative trial put in meet some other young and upcoming
valve and a communication module. place to help decarbonise Cadent’s engineers across the other GDNs during
By fitting this device to the gas system, construction activities. a useful presentation training course.
it can work with the existing stove “I want to thank the team at IGEM I will be encouraging others in my
to perform safety functions with a for overseeing such a well-run process company to apply next year.”
similar level of functionality as the throughout, and a great virtual final,” IGEM would like to give a huge thanks
smart hob. In his presentation, Dexter he said. “The YPPC was a fantastic and congratulations to all our incredible
explained the criteria for selecting the experience and provided a platform finalists. Thank you also to our judges
key components, how the final design for me to engage with inspiring and George, who was a great host.
was chosen and the necessary steps of professionals who are driving the
the installation process – noting that future of the gas industry. After only If you missed the 2021 YPPC Final
it can be plugged into the mains with one year in the industry as a graduate and would like to catch up or relive
an adapter but is more likely, given the engineer, I am really proud to have the event, recordings are now available
layout of a typical Hong Kong kitchen, come second this year – and I hope to to view on IGEMtv.
27/01/2022 13:08
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