Page 32 - Gi February 2022
P. 32

igem news

                   YPPC 2021

                 THE RACE TO VICTORY IS ON

                                                                                                                             BERNADETTE NUGENT

                                                                                                                             LUKE MACDONALD

                 IGEM Marketing Assistant Jodie Shepherd reports on the            the future for the sector and have a
                 exciting events of this year’s YPPC Final, which saw ten young    significant influence on how energy
                 gas professionals go head to head in a battle for the top prize   will be delivered for industry, home
                                                                                   and commercial heating, transport
                 IN DECEMBER, IGEM’s 2021 YPPC    to encourage and reward young    applications and power generation.”
                 Final took place virtually for the second   professionals, giving them a platform   George Brookfield, IGEM YPN Chair,
                 year in a row, bringing together ten   to demonstrate their potential and the   led the event alongside a judging panel
                 amazing finalists to battle it out for the   valuable and meaningful contributions   of distinguished professionals. This
                 top prize – the coveted trophy and a trip   they are making to the industry.   consisted of head judge Ben Clarke,
                 to the 2022 World Gas Conference in   “I personally have been looking   IGEM President and a past winner of the
                 Daegu, South Korea.              forward to this since I started with   YPPC, Andy McPhee, Chair of IGEM’s
                   IGEM CEO Oliver Lancaster kicked   IGEM at the end of the summer. I know   Professional Development Committee,
                 off the event with his welcome speech,   that I look older than I am, but it really   and Lucy Ritchie, Senior Client Manager,
                 saying: “IGEM is keen to give young   doesn’t seem all that long ago that I was   Energy at Energy & Utility Skills.
                 people working in the gas industry   participating in this process myself and   It was a close competition, yet again,
                 opportunities to enhance their career   I definitely benefitted from it.”   with George saying it was an “excellent
                 prospects. Every year, the Young Persons   He added: “Young people are going   year – the judges didn’t have it easy.”
                 Network (YPN) organises this competition   to be developing and delivering   However, there could only be one


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