Page 29 - Gi February 2022
P. 29



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                  30 industrial affiliates         37 technical, membership, calendar  41 events

                     Happy New Year from your Section Chair     Technical standards   Coming together
                     MP visits Steve Vick International       Welcome to our new members  Industry figures gather for a special business
                  in support of Family Business Week       New Industrial Affiliate members for IGEM  luncheon hosted by both IGEM and Energy
                     Hydrogen to smell like natural gas for the     Welcome to our new Housing Partner    and Utilities Alliance (EUA)

                  first time                         IGEM’s History Panel contributes to new
                                                   gasholder photobook              42 obituaries
                  32 YPPC                           Diary dates
                                                                                     Dr William Leslie Mercer
                   The race to victory is on       40 hydrogen knowledge centre      Michael Hilson
                 IGEM Marketing Assistant Jodie Shepherd                             Bernard Heywood
                 reports on the exciting events of this year’s    Bringing gas innovation to life
                 YPPC Final, which saw ten young gas   As the one-year anniversary of the launch of   44 gas people
                 professionals go head to head in a battle for   our ground-breaking Hydrogen Knowledge
                 the top prize                    Centre approaches, IGEM Marketing   Chief Executive receives OBE
                   Development of a smart control device for   Assistant Jodie Shepherd looks back   Wales & West Utilities’ Graham Edwards has
                 domestic cooking appliances      over the development of this world-first   received an OBE for services to business and
                 By Dexter Hong, Engineer at the Hong Kong   digital repository, which has recently been   the community in Wales
                 and China Gas Co Ltd and YPPC 2021 winner  nominated for a prestigious industry award


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