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regulators, commercial gas meters and
as an emergency service provider. BOB MURRAY ON MENTORING RYAN
“The main difference between FCO and
my previous roles is that, in addition to BOB HAS contract, Ryan followed this with
working downstream of the emergency BEEN a great enthusiasm, diligence, and total
control valve (ECV), work is also carried trained IGEM commitment. I never once doubted
out on the gas distribution asset with the mentor Ryan would achieve his dream of
added responsibility of safeguarding life for many becoming an IEng. Ryan was a model
and property in the event of gas/carbon years and mentee and our meetings were a
monoxide leakage,” he says. has guided brilliant experience for both of us.
“During my time as an FCO, I countless “During our mentoring journey,
registered with IGEM as an Engineering talented gas industry professionals what impressed me most about
Technician (EngTech) member. I of all ages and backgrounds around Ryan was his ability to rise to every
became aware of the vast number of the world. He said: “I cannot begin to challenge he encountered. Ryan had
opportunities within the gas industry explain the feeling of seeing a mentee never written a technical report of the
and I wanted to further my education achieve their dream of attaining type that would satisfy professional
in engineering to give myself the best their professional registration. Some registration before. This did not hold
chance at career progression. As a have long professional registration him back at all. He took onboard the
result, I enrolled on a Higher National journeys, having had little academic guidance from IGEM membership
Certificate (HNC) in Mechanical background and needing my support and, with my light touch support,
Engineering, which I completed with technical report route. delivered a submission to be proud of.
through South Cheshire College in “Others only need my support with “Nothing daunted Ryan during
Crewe, Cheshire. National Grid puts their professional review report (PRR) our time together on our mentoring
safety at the forefront of everything they and professional review interview journey. If it didn’t exist, then Ryan
do and so I decided to complete the (PRI). But what they all have in created it. He built his own test rig,
National Examination Board of Safety common is the burning desire to testing procedures and test analysis
and Health Certificate in Occupational achieve professional registration and equipment. This was real innovation
Health & Safety (NEBOSH).” be part of IGEM’s learned family. happening right in front of my eyes.
In 2017, Ryan was offered a role “I cannot begin to thank IGEM for Not only did Ryan demonstrate
as a Technical Trainer, working out entrusting me with this honour of from first principles his personal
of Hollinwood, Manchester. The role helping the current and next generation understanding of the underpinning
was split into three distinct parts: of professional gas engineers and concepts of science and engineering
technical training (maintaining/ leaders to achieve their goals. to bridge his academic gap to BEng
developing a suite of training “Ryan and I started our mentoring level, but he also built his own testing
products), centre management, and journey some 18 months ago. Once criteria from first principles. Truly
contract management. we had agreed our mentoring impressive.”
He said: “Initially, I joined as a
downstream trainer, training existing
staff, experienced hires and apprentice/ (Management) Regulations (GS(M)R).” from EngTech to IEng, via the technical
graduate schemes on downstream In 2019, Cadent underwent a report option.
gas activities and emergency service transformation that would see the Discussing the ways in which IGEM
provider activities. During this time, return of regionalised management of supported him, Ryan says: “The most
I also undertook the City & Guilds the networks. At this time, Ryan was notable way was to introduce me to
Qualifications Award in Education and appointed as Compliance Specialist, my IGEM mentor, Bob Murray. Bob
Training and Assessing Competence in providing safety and engineering is an industry leader with years of
the Work Environment. assurances via reports and site visits experience. To be lucky enough to
“As I became more competent, I to ensure that relevant codes are spend a substantial amount of time
started to deliver courses outside my being followed. with Bob is something that wouldn’t
scope of experience and took ownership Moving on to discuss his IGEM have been possible without IGEM.”
of around 20 training products. My membership, Ryan says there were For those starting out in the industry,
role was to ensure that each product three reasons for becoming an IGEM Ryan has two pieces of advice, based on
was updated and reviewed as required, member. The first was to ensure he his own experience: “Apply for roles you
or as industry dictated. During this had the information available to keep are genuinely interested in – some of the
time, I reduced the number of days up to date with changes within the gas best times of my career so far have been
of a handful of training products and industry through updates, technical on building sites working alongside other
moved some face-to-face training to papers and Gi. The second reason trades – and take every opportunity that
online learning to contribute to the was to meet like-minded people is offered to you. Do not be afraid to make
sustainability of training delivery. I and broaden his network across the mistakes. I have learned the best (and
had the responsibility of designing industry through attending networking worst) lessons by making mistakes and
and delivering courses as required events and tours of industry projects. learning from them.”
by business needs – the most notable His third reason was to maintain a
being HyDeploy. I designed and professional grade that evidences If you’re interested in becoming an
developed a training package that was his commitment to professional IGEM EngTech member, visit www.igem.
required to satisfy the HSE as part of development. for more information
Keele University’s safety case to support Ryan has recently been successful in or call our Membership Services team on
their exemption of the Gas Safety transferring his membership with IGEM +44(0)1509 678150.
17/03/2022 11:01
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