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igem news
David Goodall, IGEM London, Southern & Eastern Section thanks to our Young Presenters of the
committee member, reports on his final London Showcase event Year – the JEHT Team from Stratford
as he hangs up his hat as lead organiser School Academy. Together, Erika Belan,
Jaspal Swali and Hinal Harish shared
AFTER 13 YEARS, the London stark reminder for attendees of why their ‘Big Idea’ from the Solutions for the
Showcase continues to go from strength we should support her organisation Planet national final on how to reduce
to strength. The fact that 120 people and the fantastic service it provides plastic pollution using solar power.
turned up while we are still wary of combatting mental ill-health and Following some valid questions from
Covid-19 is amazing and I could not showing people that life is worth living. our Lions, Sam Wilson, Operations
have wished for a better swansong. Kate then introduced the ‘Lions’ – our Director at ULC Robotics, and IGEM’s
Kate Lazenby, Executive Director of prestigious judging panel consisting CEO Oliver Lancaster presented them
the Pipeline Industries Guild, opened of James Harrison, Director of London with their awards.
the event and thanked our partner Network at Cadent, Professor Ruth This was followed by our brave
Morrison Energy Services for their Allen FREng, Visiting Professor and gladiators (presenters) stepping into
support, without which the event would Past Guild Chair, and Nikki Barker, The Lions’ Lair with just four minutes
not have been possible. Principal Consultant for Pipeline to promote new innovations for the
First up, was Maria Kuzak, Senior Integrity Engineers. All were roaring to utility sector.
Philanthropy Manager from Campaign go (excuse the pun) and ready to make Nicole Fever, of Steve Vick
Against Living Miserably (CALM), this year’s competition a success. International, was up first with her
our nominated charity. She had a The event got off to a great start presentation on Foambag Operation on
17/03/2022 11:08
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