Page 41 - Gi_April2022
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Stubs (FBOS). Nicole had been involved attendees networked, visited the the Lions’ Lair winner and present
in the testing and manufacturing of exhibition and enjoyed the hot buffet. the awards with the help of Steven
FBOS nosecones throughout the field The evening continued with a McNicholas, Director of Larksfield Ltd.
trial stages, as well as supporting the keynote presentation from Hilary It was a close-run competition, but
technique on site. Nicole had sight Buxton, Director of Engineering at Nicole Fever took home the coveted
of the project from start to finish and Cadent, who was introduced to the Tommy McNicholas shield for her
her role included interacting with the stage by Sean Kelly, Executive Director winning presentation. There were also
teams on site and ensuring continual of Morrison Energy Services. gifts for the judges and a prize for the
improvements in the FBOS technique. Hilary’s presentation, “Diversity runner-up.
Carolina Karlström, of SGN, was up – Our future depends on it” gave a We finished with Shirley Course giving
next with her presentation on the role fascinating insight into the challenges the closing remarks and a vote of thanks.
SGN is playing in tackling the climate facing the engineering industry right I am pleased, proud and privileged to
and biodiversity crises. Carolina shared now and the actions organisations are have been involved with this event for
some exciting initiatives she is leading taking to mitigate them. the past 13 years and sincerely hope it
on, initiatives that address both the Shirley Course, Managing Director will continue for many more. I’m happy
climate crisis and biodiversity loss, two of AF Gas Services, managed the many to say we raised £1,535 for CALM and
of the key environmental issues the questions from the floor and, following I would like to thank our sponsors and
world is facing. a rousing applause, thanked Hilary for exhibitors Aliaxis UK, Caldertech, Steve
Following the presentations, the sharing her insights. Vick International, Sunbelt Rentals,
Lions cogitated and deliberated while It was time then to announce Synthotech and ULC Robotics.
17/03/2022 11:08
IGEMNews_LondonShowcase.indd 2
IGEMNews_LondonShowcase.indd 2 17/03/2022 11:08