Page 13 - Gi_March2022
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History of Transgender Day of Visibility

                                                    THERE IS NO DOUBT that the     of members of the community who
                                                    transgender community continues to   had lost their lives, and that there
                                                    face discrimination worldwide. Be it   was no day to pay homage to living
                                                    in the workplace, schools, or society,   transgender people.
                                                    it has been subjected to immense   By 2014, the day was observed
                                                    harassment and inequality in every   by activists in Ireland and Scotland
                                                    part of the world for the ‘sin’ of being   while, in 2015, many transgender
                                                    born different.                people took part in the event
                                                     Rachel Crandall, a US-based   by participating in social media
                                                    transgender activist, founded this day in   campaigns. They successfully made
                                                    2009 to raise awareness for the incredible   the day go viral by posting selfies and
                                                    burden of discrimination the community   personal stories.
                                                    faces in every setting imaginable.   Therefore, on Transgender Day
                                                     The need to bring a day of ‘visibility’   of Visibility on March 31, annually,
                                                    for the transgender community is   we recognise and revere their
                                                    indicative of the oppression they face   contributions, successes, and
                                                    in many sectors of life.       relentless resilience in standing tall
                                                     Crandall wanted to highlight   and strong in the face of injustice.
                                                    the fact that the only transgender-  Through this Day of Visibility, we
                                                    centric day that is internationally   hope to induce moral responsibility
                                                    recognised is the Transgender Day of   and tolerance, and lift the restrictions
                                                    Remembrance, which is in mourning   on the rights of transgender people.
                       he International Transgender Day
                       of Visibility (TDOV) is an annual
                       day of recognition, celebrated   TDOR mourns the murders of   hide their identity at work now than
                       around the world on March 31,   transgender people but doesn’t   they did five years ago.
                 T which is dedicated to celebrating   acknowledge and celebrate living   The research, conducted on behalf of
                 the accomplishments and victories of   members of the transgender   Totaljobs found that two-thirds of people
                 transgender and non-binary people,   community. TDOV is a much-needed   surveyed felt they had to hide their
                 while simultaneously raising awareness   day of empowerment, celebrating the   trans status at work, compared to just
                 of the work that is still needed to combat   lives and achievements of transgender   over half of respondents when the same
                 discrimination and violence.     people worldwide.                survey was conducted five years earlier.
                   The day of recognition was founded   The Equalities Office estimates   It also found that a third of
                 in 2009 by US-based transgender   that there are approximately 200,000   respondents had experienced
                 activist Rachel Crandall, a licensed   to 500,000 trans people in the UK.   discrimination in the workplace within
                 psychotherapist and the Executive   However, according to a 2021 YouGov   the last five years, and 43 per cent
                 Director of Transgender Michigan. TDOV   survey of 410 trans employees across   had quit their jobs because their work
                 was created both in reaction to the lack   the country, more transgender people   environment was unwelcoming.
                 of LGBTQ+ days of recognition for the                               In addition, a national survey
                 successes achieved by trans people,   The Equalities Office estimates   conducted by the Equalities Office
                 as well as the frustration that the only   that there are approximately   found that 67 per cent of trans
                 well-known transgender-centered day of                            respondents had avoided being open
                 recognition was the Transgender Day of   200,000 to 500,000 trans   about their gender identity for fear of a
                 Remembrance (TDOR).              people in the UK                 negative reaction from others.


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