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delivering a digitalised energy system

                 costs and utilising all existing assets   decarbonisation across energy vectors   impacts, zero trust principles and a
                 and capabilities.                 and user needs.                 sharing culture.
                   There are small, medium, and large   3  A stable and resilient system   RECOMMENDATION 5: Enable carbon
                 generation and storage assets, in a more   Developing a system that continues to   monitoring and accounting – Carbon
                 dynamic, renewables-led environment   deliver high levels of stability for end   visibility sits at the heart of all the
                 they access much more information   customers, while using digitalisation   taskforce proposes, but much greater
                 about the demand profile, maximising   to create additional resilience through   carbon visibility and standardisation is
                 their asset utilisation and their rewards   more accurate forecasting and   required. The taskforce recommends
                 through greater responsiveness to   dynamic responses.            that dynamic carbon monitoring is put
                 changing demand dynamics.        4  Whole system optimisation Making   in place, and an open carbon standard
                   Regulation can manage risk with   the best use of all energy assets across   needs to be deployed economy-wide.
                 the data and analysis to anticipate,   vectors and locations. Using digital   RECOMMENDATION 6: Embed a
                 strategically plan and adapt with agility   tools to guide strategic investment in   digitalisation culture – Digitalisation is
                 to the changing market, the new level of   new infrastructure to deliver an ideal   not valued or understood in all parts
                 interactions, and customer enablement   overall solution.         of the energy sector, with not enough
                 and protection.                                                   skills or value given to digital assets
                   Regulated investments are      KEY RECOMMENDATIONS              and activities. The Department for
                 informed by excellent data and quality   The Energy Digitalisation Taskforce   Business Energy and Industrial Strategy
                 anticipatory analytics, with all actions   recommendations are based around    (BEIS) should employ a Chief Data
                 and interventions producing a whole   a single strategic aim of developing    Officer and, importantly, investors and
                 system carbon read-out.          a modern, decarbonised digital    the rating agencies need to value digital
                                                  energy system.                   assets as well as their traditional value
                 PRINCIPLES GUIDING THE TASKFORCE                                  assessment for infrastructure.
                 The energy system must change    The six high-level recommendations
                 substantially to support the delivery of   from the taskforce are as follows:  THE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION
                 a net zero economy.              RECOMMENDATION 1: Unlock value of   It is agreed that digitalisation of the
                   However, there are many possible   customer actions and assets – Crucially   energy system is not just a ‘nice to have’
                 choices, and it is unclear what the   building trust and delivering control   but a core requirement in ensuring the
                 ultimate architecture of a future net   through a Consumer Consent portal,   UK can accelerate the journey to net
                 zero energy system will be.      delivering a seamless ability for assets   zero, that a new decarbonised system
                   The Energy Digitalisation Taskforce   to connect and benefit from system   works effectively, and, importantly,
                 has considered a wide range of   value by mandating all large customer   rewards customers for their actions.
                 possible technical, operational,   energy assets to be energy-enabled.   Stability and resilience of the future
                 and commercial options and made   Consumer protection will need to be   system cannot be achieved without deep
                 recommendations which will help to   enhanced to reflect different risks and   digitalisation built on the availability of
                 guide the sector to progress towards a   smart meter data needs to be released   more accurate and timely data.
                 digitalised energy system.       for the public good.               Generators, storage operators and
                   These recommendations aim to   RECOMMENDATION 2: Deliver        supporting services will require much
                 provide policy leaders and regulators with   interoperability – The sector needs to   more textured information flows to
                 a clear outline of the key requirements,   deliver interoperability through the   ensure that they can respond to the
                 enabling them to implement new policies   development and deployment of four   dynamics of a more integrated system.
                 without predetermining any specific   Public Interest Digital Assets with   While digitalisation is deeply
                 architecture.                    particular focus on a ‘Digital Spine’. To   embedded in many sectors, the energy
                   The taskforce has strived to   ensure interoperability, we can build   sector is behind the development and
                 propose the thinnest policy and   on some existing assets but require   deployment curve.
                 regulatory recommendations,      data sharing fabric, data catalogue   However, this presents an
                 supporting innovation and commercial   and development of some limited but   opportunity to build on and benefit
                 development while retaining the ability   crucial standards.      from the experiences and lessons from
                 to be flexible and agile as the digital   RECOMMENDATION 3: Implement   other sector’s digitalisation journeys.
                 environment evolves.             new digital governance approach and   By drawing on best practice from
                   The recommendations aim        entities – Governance of new digital   these sectors, risk and uncertainty are
                 to enable others to develop the   assets and actions will be important   significantly reduced in implementation.
                 innovative propositions and      and will need to be developed soon.   We also recognise that digitalisation
                 solutions to deliver a truly modern,   Governance around public interest   poses new risks and we have considered
                 decarbonised energy system.      assets, interacting algorithms and   consumer detriment, system stability
                   To guide this work, the taskforce has   opening up regulated assets to digital   and, importantly, security, and have
                 focused on four key drivers:     competition will be important. There   addressed the challenges posed by
                 1  Exciting tailored customer    also needs to be a digital delivery body   greater interoperability of a much more
                  propositions Enabling net zero-  established by government to deliver   complex system.
                  compatible products and services that   the public interest assets quickly to be
                  provide customers with compelling,   subsequently handed over to the sector.   The Energy Digitalisation Taskforce
                  personalised offers to deliver   RECOMMENDATION 4: Adopt digital   was established by the Department for
                  outcomes the customer values.   security measures – Digital security   Business Energy and Industrial Strategy
                 2  Accelerating decarbonisation   principles and interventions are crucial   (BEIS), Ofgem and Innovate UK. Read the
                  Creating a digitalised energy system   but need to be fit for digital purposes   full report, Delivering a Digitalised Energy
                  that supports and encourages rapid   with particular focus on cascade   System, at


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