Page 17 - Gi_March2022
P. 17
A new report from the Energy Digitalisation Taskforce,
chaired by Laura Sandys, lays out a set of actionable
recommendations that challenge the status quo and could
help the UK to deliver the digitalised energy system needed
to reach net zero
he future energy system will more reliant on other sectors to
be profoundly different to the ensure the smooth operation of
one that exists today; it will the system, utilising new flexible
have to manage hundreds energy assets across sectors such as
T of millions of actions and water, waste, and manufacturing,
assets every year, each interacting, as well as increasingly and crucially
engaging, and delivering value to relying on digital systems and
customers and stakeholders. telecommunications networks to
Customers will have the opportunity operate a highly distributed
to access more complex, blended energy system.
products through digital platforms and Energy is closely intertwined with
services, with algorithms and smart other sectors and this presents a range
technology managing energy needs on of challenges and opportunities.
their behalf.
Generators and storage vectors of all WHAT SHOULD A DIGITALISED DECARBONISED
sizes will need to respond to demand ENERGY SYSTEM FEEL LIKE?
profiles, optimising their assets in a The energy system we will create is
more dynamic manner to unlock value an energy system that is designed for
in their respective business models. customers, shaped and controlled by
Stability will need to be managed their actions and needs, anticipating and
throughout the system at all levels, adapting to their changing preferences,
with varied and multiple roles served by frictionless retailers all
interacting with new actors and rewarded for outcomes, not inputs.
actions. This is a significantly more Customers have a whole system
complex operational environment and carbon account revealing their carbon
will require a different approach to the consumption. New business entrants
design, management, and governance can tailor and shape new propositions
of the system. to a wide and varied range of options
Furthermore, these outcomes will designed around customer products
need to be flexible enough to adapt to as well as commodity needs. New
changes in the system as the energy propositions can access markets at
transition evolves. scale and deploy many more plug and
The Energy Digitalisation Taskforce play options rather than expensive,
aims to empower consumers and drive clunky navigation around an overly
decarbonisation by outlining the digital complex marketplace.
journey that must be undertaken. Networks can manage their network
Importantly, these benefits must be dynamically, responding to changing
realised without compromising the needs and opportunities, creating
high standards of system stability, integrated market options for their
security, and resilience. capacity management while also being
Finally, two key principles have able to offer options to a wide and varied
been used to test and guide the number of participants to deliver their
recommendations throughout the growing system operation functions.
taskforce: customer satisfaction Network interventions are reduced,
and decarbonisation. These are the physical interventions are predicted
ultimate outcomes the UK must and mitigated before any outage,
deliver to declare the energy transition and the networks can actively plan
a success. investments to get more from less.
The national system operator can
ENERGY IS NO LONGER AN ISLAND predict, visualise, and oversee the
The energy sector will support key drivers of imbalance, anticipate
countless other sectors in their drive responses utilising the most cost-
to decarbonise, achieving net zero effective response to deliver system
through electrification and new low stability, providing an open and
carbon energy vectors. accessible market portal that triages
In addition, energy is becoming options autonomously, driving down
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