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52      Nor Hazwani, A.R., Shahfiz, M.A., Kaviarasu, M., Faradiana, N.M.F., Alwani, N.Z., Shahrini,
               52      Nor Hazwani, A.R., Shahfiz, M.A., Kaviarasu, M., Faradiana, N.M.F., Alwani, N.Z., Shahrini,
                                                                 N.N.A., Wahab, A.J. & Rusli, T.
                       N.N.A., Wahab, A.J. & Rusli, T.

               Based on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)  Red List of
               Threatened  Species,  PL1  recorded  one  species  that  is  categorised  as  near
               threatened (NT), namely Kerivoula pellucida (Nor Zalipah, 2020) (Figure 2). This
               species is threatened by the loss of primary forest due to logging, plantations,
               conversion  to  agriculture,  and  forest  fires  (Nor  Zalipah,  2020).  The  other  14
               species of bats found in PL1 are listed as least concern (LC). On the other hand,
               PL3 recorded one species listed as vulnerable (VU), namely H. ridleyi (Khan et
               al.,  2020)  (Figure  2).  The  species  is  threatened  due  to  the  loss  of  lowland
               rainforest. In addition, the other 13 species of bats recorded in PL3 are listed as
               least  concern  (LC),  except  for  R.  yonghoiseni  is  not  evaluated  (NE).  R.
               yonghoiseni is formerly known as R. sedulus. However, based on a recent genetic
               study, the former R. sedulus is now considered restricted to Borneo, while R.
               yonghoiseni is a new species described from Peninsular Malaysia (Volleth et al.
               2021). Thus, it is said that the status of R. yonghoiseni has to be re-evaluated
               (Volleth et al., 2021).

               Figure 2.  Conservation status of  Chiroptera in PL1 Tanum - Sungai Yu FR,
               Pahang,  and  PL3  Panti  –  Ulu  Sedili  FR,  Johor  based  on  IUCN  Red  List  of
               Threatened Species.
               Notes: VU – Vulnerable; NT – Near Threatened; LC  – Least Concern; NE – Not
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