Page 61 - JWP 120122
P. 61

Checklist  of  Chiroptera  at  Selected  Central  Forest  Spine  (CFS)  Ecological  Corridors  in   53
               Peninsular Malaysia                                                   53

                         Relative   Abundance   (%)   4.3   38.0   0   6.5   5.4   0   1.1   1.1   1.1   1.1   1.1   8.7   21.7   0   1.1   6.5   0   1.1   0   1.1   100
                  and relative abundance of bats captured in PL1 Tanum - Sungai Yu FR, Pahang, and PL3

                         No. of   individuals at   PL3 (Johor)   4   35   0   6   5   0   1   1   1   1   1      8   20   0   1   6   0   1   0   1   92      15      4

                         Relative   Abundance   (%)   4.2   2.1   5.3   7.4   1.1   1.1   28.4   30.5   0   0   0   1.1   8.4   1.1   0   5.3   2.1   1.1   1.1   0   100

          Checklist of Chiroptera at Selected Central Forest Spine (CFS) Ecological Corridors in Peninsular Malaysia
                         No. of   individuals at   PL1 (Pahang)   4   2   5   7   1   1   27   29   0   0   0      1   8   1   0   5   2   1   1   0   95      15      4

                         Common Name   Sunda short-nosed fruit bat  Forest short-nosed fruit bat   Horsfield’s fruit bat  Malayan spotted-winged fruit bat   Dusky fruit bat  Lesser long-tongued nectar bat   Bicoloured roundleaf bat   Intermediate roundleaf bat   Ashy roundleaf bat   Fawn roundleaf bat   Ridley’s roundleaf bat   Trefoil horseshoe bat  Intermediate horseshoe Bat   Blyth’s horses

                                                                                 Total No. of Individuals   Total No. of Species   Total No. of Families

                  ndividuals     Cynopterus cf. brachyotis Sunda  Cynopterus cf. brachyotis Forest

                  of  i    Name        Scientific  Cynopterus horsfieldii   Balionycteris seimundi   Penthetor lucasi   Macroglossus minimus   Hipposideridae   Hipposideros bicolour   Hipposideros larvatus   Hipposideros cineraceus   Hipposideros cervinus   Hipposideros ridleyi   Rhinolophidae   Rhinolophus trifoliatus   Rhinolophus affinis   Rhinolophus lepidus   Rhinolophus yonghoiseni   Ves
                 Table 2.  Number Panti-Ulu Sedili FR, Johor.   Family     Pteropodidae

                         No.     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20
   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66