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Checklist of  Chiroptera  at  Selected  Central Forest  Spine  (CFS)  Ecological  Corridors  in
               Checklist of Chiroptera at Selected Central Forest Spine (CFS) Ecological Corridors in Peninsular 57  55
               Peninsular Malaysia

               Campbell, P., Schneider, C.J., Adnan, A.M., Zubaid, A. & Kunz, T.H. (2006).
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               Campbell, P., Schneider, C.J., Adura, M.A., Zubaid Akbar & Kunz, T.H. (2004).
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               Fong, P.H., Yuzine, E. & Abdullah, M. (2013). Genetic variations and population
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               Francis, C.M. (1989). A comparison of mist nets and two designs of harp traps
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               Haddad, N.M., Brudvig, L.A., Clobert, J., Davies, K.F., Gonzalez, A., Holt, R.D.,
               Lovejoy,  T.E.,  Sexton,  J.O.,  Austin,  M.P.,  Collins,  C.D.,  Cook,  W.M.,
               Damschen, E.I., Ewers, R.M., Foster, B.L., Jenkins, C.N., King, A.J., Laurance,
               W.F., Levey, D.J., Margules, C.R., Melbourne, B.A., Nicholls, A.O., Orrock, J.L.,
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               Hein, C.D., Castleberry, S.B. & Miller, K.V. (2009). Site-occupancy of bats in
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               Hodgkison,  R.B.,  Balding,  S.T.,  Zubaid,  A.  &  Kunz,  T.H.  (2004).  Habitat
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               Jayaraj, V.K., Laman, C.J. &  Abdullah, M.T. (2004).  Morphological variation
               in the genus Cynopterus of Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo. In Proceedings of
               the regional conference on ecological and environmental modelling (ECOMOD
               2004)  (Ismail,  A.I.M.,  Koh,  H.L.  &  Hasan,  Y.A.,  eds.),  pp.  69-81.  Penang,
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