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The  Guidance  Document  presented          Conservation Act (WCA) 2010 [Act 716]. WCA
                here is designed to improve the effectiveness      is an Act to provide for the protection and
                of the wildlife assessment in EIA by:              conservation  of  wildlife  and for  matters
                                                                   connected    therewith,   including   wildlife
                                                                   habitats. The adoption of ‘Protected’ and
                     Assisting   project    proponents    or
                     consultants in better defining wildlife and   ‘Totally Protected’ wildlife category in the
                     its habitat;                                  WCA 2010 and the development of the Red
                                                                   List of Mammals for Peninsular Malaysia (2010,
                     Improving the quality of Wildlife Impact      2017) increase the value of the wildlife species
                     Study and report writing by concentrating     and its habitat.
                ii   on relevant aspects to the existing wildlife
                     and its habitat in proposed project area;
                     and                                                  Integration the appropriate biological
                                                                   assessment, particularly existing wildlife and
                     Ensuring   the   integration  of  early       its habitat, with impact assessment allows
                     prediction  of   wildlife  impact  and        decision makers to deal with fragmentation,
                iii  mitigation measures included at  initial
                     stage of the project planning and             and wildlife management issues, and other
                     development phases.                           issues related to ecosystem services. Wildlife
                                                                   studies are not just about rare and endemic
                                                                   species,  but also  about identifying  the
                                                                   opportunity to improve quality of the
                1.3    IMPORTANCE OF WILDLIFE                      degraded area and reversing wildlife species
                       IMPACT STUDY

                       The importance of the Wildlife Impact       1.4    MALAYSIA’S WILDLIFE AND
                Study as part of ecological assessments is                HABITAT

                also described in Guidance Document on
                Ecological Assessment in EIA (DOE, 2012).                 Malaysia  is  one  of  17  mega-diverse
                The Government marked its obligation to the        countries, with a wealth of biological diversity
                principle of sustainable development in the        in its terrestrial and marine zones. The flora
                9th Malaysia Plan (2006-2010) and 10th             and fauna of Malaysia are estimated to contain
                Malaysia Plan (2011-2015) to deliver a strong      about 12,500 species of flowering plants,
                intention to develop the country sustainably.      approximately 306 species of mammals, more
                Malaysia becoming a signatory to the               than 742 species of birds, and about 547
                Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) at        species of reptiles, with a large number of
                the Earth Summit in Rio de  Janeiro in 1992        endemic species. The large number of species
                marked     its  commitment      toward    the      occurring in Malaysia reflects a high diversity
                conservation of biological diversity, the          of habitats. In order to safeguard the globally
                sustainable use of its components and the fair     significant   biodiversity,   Malaysia    has
                and equitable sharing of the benefits arising      established networks of protected areas
                out of the utilisation of genetic resources.       (PAs). In Peninsular Malaysia, there are at least
                                                                   four PA networks covering a total area of 2.98
                       Laws and legislations  in Peninsular        million ha, managed by different agencies
                Malaysia related to wildlife protection was        including the Federal Department of Wildlife
                enacted in 1972 (Protection of Wildlife Act        and National Parks (PERHILITAN), Johor
                [Act 76]), and now replaced by the Wildlife        National Parks Corporation, Perak State Parks

                                                                                       GUIDANCE DOCUMENT ON  WILDLIFE   3
                                                                                       IMPACT STUDY FOR IN ENVIRONMENTAL
                                                                                                 IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA)
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