Page 33 - Pink Purple Sunset Woman Funeral Program
P. 33

28.05.1938        11.07.2022

                    The Bible says in all things we should give thanks. I thank the Lord for the life of
                    this extraordinary woman He gave me as a mother. I'm so grateful for her, for
                    her life, and for blessing me to have been a part of her life.

                    My mum loved the Lord. When we  were small she made sure we all  went to
                    Sunday School, we went Church, and got baptized. I remember when she made
                    us learn Psalm 23 like yesterday. She wasn't a Pastor or Preacher or anything like
                    that. But she made sure we knew there was one God, the Father Almighty. So I
                    grew up knowing and loving God and shortly after University I started going to a
                    wonderful church and one of the services we used to have was our monthly

                    Sunday Thanksgiving Service where we  were encouraged to give God a special
                    dance offering. We were to dance like David danced.  She always looked forward
                    to going  with me to that church service to dance and give God the glory and
                    thanks.  She would dress up in a "Hallelujah" clothing as we used to and
                    thoroughly enjoy the service. You should have seen her do her Hallelujah dance!

                    Praise the Lord! It has been her guidance and direction that were the foundation
                    of my relationship with God today.

                    My mum showed that Superheros don't always wear costumes and attract
                    attention.   But they always do extraordinary things.  My mum did  so many
                    extraordinary things. She single-handedly made sure my siblings and I went to
                    good schools, got educated and grew up with morals and character. She made
                    sure we knew God and had the fear of Him. She made sure we never had to beg
                    for money, food, shelter, or any needs. She protected us fiercely as any loving
                    mother would and showered us with unquantifiable love. And as far as I can
                    remember (which is a  little over 45 years as I'm the last child) she was our
                    protector, provider and providence. She was a Super mum!

                    I remember once there was a fire in the kitchen. It was late in the evening that
                    day. The Fire Brigade had been called and we were working on putting out the
                    fire. I was in Primary 4 or 5. Everywhere was chaotic. But she first made sure we
                    were OK and outside the house. She then went back inside the burning house.
                    She came out with our school uniforms. As far as she was concerned, whatever
                    happened that night should not stop our going to school. The security of our
                    future was always priority her. Even above her own safety. That's the kind of
                    person she was. She would do anything for those she loved. To her own hurt.

                    She gave me big responsibilities as a young adult when she was transferred to
                    Abuja. She allowed me to manage the house by myself. She would leave money
                    for groceries, the car,  and living expenses, she would tell me what to do and
                    trust that I could keep the house running smoothly. I'm so glad I never let her

                     I learned how to run every part of a home during those years and when I learned
                    how to drive, my mum was one of my first passengers. Oya let's go she said. She
                    was always ready to challenge me to do something bigger and better.

                    She always made me feel special. I always felt I was her favorite child. But I'm
                    sure she made my other siblings feel the same way. I relished going to see her
                    and spending time with her. Leaving her was almost like a painful separation and
                    yes, she would always have something to give me. And even though she was a
                    woman of not so many words. She had so many actions of love and care.

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