Page 36 - Pink Purple Sunset Woman Funeral Program
P. 36
28.05.1938 11.07.2022
Mum was one who never forgets a birthday and unfailingly posted our birthday
cards despite numerous attempts to convince her of the merits and convenience of
text messaging. Mum in response said the words of a text message pales in
comparison to the poetry and sentiments expressed in a conventional card. She was
a kind, empathetic doctor who also knew how the threat of an injection can
encourage a young patient to eat – my younger sister can testify to this!
She was the perfect house guest who always finds ways to help out whenever she
visits. Humble and unassuming in spite of her achievements, it is difficult to
imagine mum not been around.
Mum, you ran a good race; and have now passed on the baton to us. Au revoir,
Till we meet again.
Mrs. Adeyinka Asagba
The love of a grandma is unique. God must have given grandmothers to us to liven
up our lives, to make our lives more complete, to make us well-rounded and better
human beings. She played a big part in my childhood and adulthood. The times she
would give me money for my birthdays even when I was in the UK, yearly birthday
cards (till she started to forget) I’ll cherish that forever. She would always call and
ask about school/university and ask me about my future.
One thing about my grandma is that she was very independent which I will always
She would always insist that she’ll take herself to the shopping mall or we should
leave her in the shopping centre and pick her up later but she’ll always return with
something for all of us.
Generous, caring and supportive.
She taught me a lot about love and the meaning of family. She has never been just
‘my grandmother’, but a guardian, a friend and an inspiration. We love and miss
you dearly.
Seyi Asagba
Our grandmother was a great woman who lived a life filled with kindness and
You may have passed on, and I know you are in a much better place, but we’ll
always remember you. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, including your
sacrifices, thoughtfulness, and affection.