Page 14 - Selling Fantasies
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ch a movie, program, or play a video game, over-saturation is still occurring, even in
relatively niche genres. Due to this oversaturation, media production companies are under
pressure to provide unique, creative, and different content in order to appeal to the masses,
enrich customer experiences, and gain more customer focus. In the last decades, stories have
become deeper and more relatable, with an enriched experience that has led the audience to
develop special sentiments and attachments to them. Furthermore, they began to address
controversial issues, trendy topics, and life's harsher realities, making them more relatable in
certain ways. However, if it were that straightforward, people would avoid it since it would be
an extra source of anxiety rather than an escape. The writing and the entire setting are intended
to favor an idealized portrayal of reality. Even with those obstacles, have a certain appeal
and there is a sense of accomplishment when characters conquer them; To us, the audience,
there is a sense of fulfilment in it, which pulls us back. If we combine that special connection
and attachment with long hours of binge-watching, that fictitious world becomes as relevant
as, if not more relevant than, the real world. This close interaction between the audience and
the media content, as well as their mutual influence, reflected and fostered cultural mores and
values in both our society and the content we consume. This may be seen in the emergence of
communities, fictional shows becoming sub-culture and pop-culture in certain cases, such as
Disney, and also fans who are influenced by such shows in many aspects of their lives.
6. Conclusion
Social media refers to a variety of online forums such as blogs, chat rooms, e-mailing, and
social networking websites/apps. When designing a social media advertising strategy,
marketers identify their target group and their social behavior in order to choose the best
platform and type of content/message to communicate. In this analysis, the visual nature of
YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram is blended with the various modalities accessible
on the site. A social marketing strategy aimed at appealing to an audience captivated by the
work of fiction, and in our case Disney, with yet another precise focus on the current trend of
villain fascination, proven to be able to successful. To summarize, as (Mirzoeff, 1998) stated,
seeing is more significant than believing today, which may explain why social media platforms
have become so essential and overused in our society due to their remarkable visual dimension.
As a result, it provides justification for the use of social media platforms in advertising
s strategies.
Research limitations/implications – This Theoretical methodology necessitates an
empirical investigation in order to prove the literature review and fill the gap in
presented advertisements/examples (advertising review and Netnography), which will be
addressed in future research.
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relatively niche genres. Due to this oversaturation, media production companies are under
pressure to provide unique, creative, and different content in order to appeal to the masses,
enrich customer experiences, and gain more customer focus. In the last decades, stories have
become deeper and more relatable, with an enriched experience that has led the audience to
develop special sentiments and attachments to them. Furthermore, they began to address
controversial issues, trendy topics, and life's harsher realities, making them more relatable in
certain ways. However, if it were that straightforward, people would avoid it since it would be
an extra source of anxiety rather than an escape. The writing and the entire setting are intended
to favor an idealized portrayal of reality. Even with those obstacles, have a certain appeal
and there is a sense of accomplishment when characters conquer them; To us, the audience,
there is a sense of fulfilment in it, which pulls us back. If we combine that special connection
and attachment with long hours of binge-watching, that fictitious world becomes as relevant
as, if not more relevant than, the real world. This close interaction between the audience and
the media content, as well as their mutual influence, reflected and fostered cultural mores and
values in both our society and the content we consume. This may be seen in the emergence of
communities, fictional shows becoming sub-culture and pop-culture in certain cases, such as
Disney, and also fans who are influenced by such shows in many aspects of their lives.
6. Conclusion
Social media refers to a variety of online forums such as blogs, chat rooms, e-mailing, and
social networking websites/apps. When designing a social media advertising strategy,
marketers identify their target group and their social behavior in order to choose the best
platform and type of content/message to communicate. In this analysis, the visual nature of
YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram is blended with the various modalities accessible
on the site. A social marketing strategy aimed at appealing to an audience captivated by the
work of fiction, and in our case Disney, with yet another precise focus on the current trend of
villain fascination, proven to be able to successful. To summarize, as (Mirzoeff, 1998) stated,
seeing is more significant than believing today, which may explain why social media platforms
have become so essential and overused in our society due to their remarkable visual dimension.
As a result, it provides justification for the use of social media platforms in advertising
s strategies.
Research limitations/implications – This Theoretical methodology necessitates an
empirical investigation in order to prove the literature review and fill the gap in
presented advertisements/examples (advertising review and Netnography), which will be
addressed in future research.
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