Page 7 - Selling Fantasies
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Figure 1 Disney Partnerships- Advertising and Promotional Services

Source: Disney Partners,

J-pop culture
“Anime: From Cult Following to Pop Culture Phenomenon” (Inëz, 2012)
There has recently been a considerable surge in the number of clients seeking to employ anime in their
branding advertising campaigns in Japan. Anime with a particular appeal for young demographic groups
is becoming increasingly widespread in Japan at the moment. For instance, Dentsu developed Dentsu
Japanimation Studio, which aims to provide customers with marketing solutions through partnership
with Japanese anime studios. Anime is a very familiar aspect of young people's daily life in Japan. This
is evident to a greater extent than most marketers believe. Dentsu's most current study, suggests
that 64.3 % (aged 20 to 29) said they are interested in anime. While the proportion for those aged 15 to
19 was 72.4 %. In the minds of today's youth, anime is regarded not as a simple hobby or interest but
rather, as something that has been a part of their life since childhood (Dentsu, 2019).

Figure 2 Dentsu- To what extent are ypu interested in Anime?

Source: Dentsu Web Quantitative Survey, December 2018

   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12