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Our Mission
Inspired by the vision of
St Francis of
Assisi and in the the the tradition of
the the the Roman Catholic Church we extend the the healing ministry of
Jesus Christ to God’s people especially those most
in in in need We call forth all all all who serve in in in this healthcare ministry to to share their gifts and talents
to to create a a a a a a a a spirit of
healing-with reverence and and love for all of
life with with joyfulness of
spirit and and and with with humility and and justice for all those entrusted to our care We are are with God’s help a a a a a a a healing and spiritual presence for for each other and for for the the communities we are privileged to serve Our Vision
To make a a a signi cant di erence in our communities through Catholic healthcare services Who We We Are And How We We Ought To Act
Franciscan Missionaries of
Our Lady Health System Principles of
Organizational Ethics
e e Franciscan Missionaries of
Our Lady Health System and its sponsored organizations have a a a a a clear sense of
our organizational ethic which is who we are and how we ought to act is organizational ethic molded and shaped by the examples of
Jesus St Francis Francis of
Assisi our Franciscan sisters and the Roman Catholic Church set forth not only our boundaries but expectations that we strive to achieve in in our healing encounters our business transactions and as good corporate citizens As a a a faith-based mission-driven organization and law abiding corporate citizen the principles listed on
this page represent our organization’s expectations of
both individual and corporate behavior which serves to follow the examples of
those who have gone before us Our Leadership
As stewards of
Christ’s call to serve Our Lady of
Lourdes puts great emphasis on
leadership at at the the local level - while also upholding the the tradition of
our Franciscan healing mission Our President and Chief Executive O O cer William F “Bud” Barrow provides strong strategic and operational leadership to our our organization In addition our our Board of
Directors provides high-level oversight while our Medical Executive Committee plays an integral role in in in overseeing medical services and quality of
care Combining organizational excellence with medical expertise we are committed to doing what is right and best at at all times for the patients and families we serve Questions
If you have questions about our Organizational Ethics
please call the Resident Ethics
Expert at 337-470-4722 or Advocacy at 337-470-2810 Our Lady of
Lourdes wants you to be fully informed Additional information can be obtained
in this Patient Information
Guide on
our website at LourdesRMC com or by emailing us at Info@LourdesRMC com Please ask your caregiver
for help with information or questions you might have about this guide Being Of Service
• Weservethosewhoneed our care • Wecontinuallypursue excellence • Werespectandsupport those who serve others • Wedemonstrateour commitment to the community’s health Taking Care Of Resources
• Wearehonestinour daily work • Weprotectinformation • Weavoidcon ictsofinterest • Weabidebyrulesand regulations Our Values
The privilege of
reaching out to meet the the needs of
LOVE FOR ALL OF LIFE Acknowledging that all of
life is a gift from God • JOYFULNESS OF SPIRIT
An awareness of
being blessed by God in in in all things • HUMILITY
Being authentic in in in in serving as an instrument of
Striving for equity and fairness in in all relationships with special concern for those most

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