Page 8 - OLOLGuide2016
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Patient Satisfaction is is Important To Us
Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center participates
in in The Joint Commission’s accreditation process process This process process helps us provide safe high-quality care treatment and services by identifying opportunities for improvement • Our goal is to provide you with the best care possible Your experience here is important to us and we want to hear from you • Are you you getting the care you you need?
Are your doctors and nurses addressing your questions and requests?
How can we improve?
Our Hospitalists
are skilled physicians who specialize in in hospital medicine By focusing their expertise on inpatients hospitalists are uniquely quali ed to diagnose and treat illnesses that hospitalized patients commonly face During your stay our our hospitalists coordinate all aspects of your medical care working closely with nurses specialists hospital sta and your own family doctor is team approach ensures that you you and your family receive timely information personal service and comprehensive care—for a a a smooth and speedy recovery • Please talk with your nurse or case manager about any questions or issues you may may have You may may also call the Department Director or or Nursing Supervisor at 337-470-4124 or or the Advocacy Department at 337-470-2810 Patient Survey After Discharge
A er your discharge from our our hospital you may receive a a a Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers & Systems (HCAHPS) survey by mail Please ll it out and return in the envelope provided HCAHPS is a a a national standardized publicly reported survey of patients’ perspectives of hospital care What Does HCAHPS Do?
HCAHPS measures patients’ thoughts about their hospital experience by asking questions based on on on communication responsiveness cleanliness quietness pain
Your doctor has referred you to to our our hospitalist program to ensure you receive the highest level of of care at Our Lady of of Lourdes At discharge you will return to the care care of your primary care care physician for additional treatment follow-up care and medication management What should I expect?
Like any other doctor a a a hospitalist will visit you daily to to monitor progress and answer questions If concerns arise between visits your nurse will contact the hospitalist team At discharge your hospitalist will explain your home care plan and prescribe any necessary medications e e e e hospitalist will schedule a follow-up visit with your primary doctor sending a a a detailed report with test results management communication about medicines discharge information and overall hospital rating We value
your opinion and appreciate you you taking
a moment to complete this brief multiple- choice survey Would You Like To Make A Suggestion Or Recognize A Special Nurse Or Sta Member?
Submit comments by selecting the FEEDBACK option on on your GetWellNetwork home page (See pg 7!)
Bene ts ts of Hospitalists
• Enhanced communication Hospitalists
are on on on site to consult with other specialists and and service departments like lab and and radiology while keeping your primary doctor in in the loop • Rapid response Hospitalists
can respond quickly to to changes in patient conditions or to to new test results— adjusting your care plan on on on the spot • Shorter stay Having a a a a a a hospitalist on on on site can shorten your wait time for tests results and and consultations— often speeding your your recovery and and shortening your your hospital stay 45

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