Page 182 - Des Pawson "Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices"
P. 182
Square Lashing
A square lashing ties two poles or spars
together at or very close to 90 degrees. The
rope used to make the lashing should be
considerably smaller than the size of the poles.
For the lashing to be effective, each turn must
be pulled as tight as possible as it is made. Some
people will even hammer each turn with a mallet
to gain maximum tension. The final set
of turns, called frapping turns, are
added to pull the main turns even
tighter on to the poles. The clove
hitch used to start the lashing is best
positioned so that it will take any downward
strain, and the finishing clove hitch put on the
Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices
other pole.
1 With the vertical pole on top of the horizontal pole,
make a clove hitch on the vertical pole just below the
horizontal pole.
2 Bring all the rope round behind the horizontal pole.
3 Bring the rope over the vertical pole and back behind
the horizontal pole back to the clove hitch. Pull tight.
4 Carry on making two or three more complete turns
right round the two poles, pulling tight after each