Page 188 - Des Pawson "Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices"
P. 188
Figure-of-Eight Lashing
The figure-of-eight lashing is used to
join three poles together to create a
tripod. The three poles
are laid side by side
and a clove hitch is
made round one
of the outside
poles, a little in from
the end. The lashing line
is then woven in and out of
the poles in, as it were, a
figure-of-eight movement. After a
series of these passes have been
made, frapping turns are put in, the
end of the line made off with another
clove hitch round an outside pole. The
legs of the tripod are now ready to be
opened up.
1 Start with a clove hitch round one of the
poles, and lead the rope under and over
Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices
the other two poles.
2 Go round the pole furthest away from the
start and weave the rope back over and
3 Continue to weave the rope in the
figure-of-eight manner for seven or
eight full passes before bringing
the rope up between two of
the poles.