Page 227 - Des Pawson "Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices"
P. 227

Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices

                                                              5 Tuck the working end under the right-

                                                                  hand turn. This is the beginning of the
                                                                  continuous flat braid.
                                                              6 Turn your hand over to show the two
                                                                  turns at the back.

                                                              7 Bring the left turn over the right turn, to
                                                                  make a “diamond.” This will also make a

                                                                  little more of the braid.
                                                              8 Tuck the working end to the left under
                                                                  what is now the left turn.
                                                              9 Turn your hand back; the working end

                                                                  should mate with the standing part
                                                                  completing three turns that form a
                                                                  continuous braid of three leads and four

                                                              10 Tuck the working end to start the
                                                                  doubling process.

                                                              11 The Turk’s head can be doubled, if you
                                                                  run out of the working end complete by
                                                                  going the other way with the standing

                                                                  part. If you are making the knot to fit
                                                                  round an object you will need to work the
                                                                  slack out of the knot with a spike.
                                                              12 A further following round will treble the

                                                              13 The finished knot from the end showing
                                                                 the four bights.

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