Page 254 - Des Pawson "Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices"
P. 254

Half Hitching

               The lazy strand can be of a different

               color to the main working material
               and this will add a further interest to
               the finished work. Half hitching can

               cover almost any shape by the adding
               or decreasing of the number of hitches

               used, giving a technique that knows no
               bounds except your imagination.

               3 Keep on making half hitches going right
                   round the object, until you arrive at the

                   first half hitch you made, then make a half
                   hitch through the bottom of that very first
               4 Continue to make half hitches through the

                   bottom of the previous row of hitches.
                   This continues until the object is covered.
               5 If the object gets bigger, you may

                   increase the number of hitches by making
                   a double pair of hitches rather than just a
                   single hitch. If the object tapers
          Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices
                   (decreases in size), just skip one hitch.
               6 Carry on hitching as usual after any
                   increase or decrease.

               7 For quicker coverage a lazy strand may
                   be put in place and the half hitch made
                   round it as well as the previous row of

               8 A ship's bow fender being covered with
                   half hitches.

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