Page 30 - The Entrepreneur Code
P. 30
Habit 31: They automate bill pay whenever possible
If you do a poll among the world’s most successful people, you
will find that they automate bill pay whenever they can. If they
don’t have to worry about paying a bill, it frees up time for them to
work on their goals and making even more money. But also, they
don’t have to worry about the bills not getting paid either. While
there may not be much money left over after the bills have taken
their cut, they don’t have issues like internet or cellphone getting
shut off. This is a habit that our success stories here cultivated
long before they had become rich.
Habit 32: They keep records of everything
One of the things that everyone should do is keep records of all of
their expenditures, purchases and anything else related to
finances. Not only does this help with taxes and loans, it also
gives you something to look back on later and learn from.
Successful entrepreneurs keep records of everything relating to
their finances or business. It is an excellent habit to get into and
the way to make it a lifelong one is to start when you are young.
Habit 33: They cultivate multiple income streams
Another thing that successful people do is create multiple income
streams. This is a smart idea because if you have several
different income streams bringing in money, especially if those
income streams are bringing in money without you having to do