Page 35 - The Entrepreneur Code
P. 35
screenwriters and a thousand other people that all worked
together to make the best movie possible.
Habit 38: They are kind to others
The most successful people in the world are actually pretty nice
people. While there are some exceptions to this, in general,
successful people go out of their way to be kind to others and to
help them whenever possible. It costs nothing to be nice to
someone and while it may not be altruistic to think about a reward
for being nice, the fact is that sometimes being nice can come
back to help you in the future.
Habit 39: They avoid negative people
Successful people also tend to avoid negative people. If someone
negative is around you, even if they aren’t actively talking or doing
anything, the entire atmosphere tends to change. Negative and
positive energy are real energies that other people can feel, and if
you hang around with negative people, you aren’t going to be
successful. That’s why successful entrepreneurs will get rid of
people in their lives that are having a negative influence and then
replace them with people that view the world like they do.
Habit 40: They listen to people
You will also notice that successful people tend to listen to others.
They value what comes from people around them, and they don’t