Page 171 - Benefits-of-Immigration-for-Newfoundland-and-Labrador
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Coffee Cove, Route 392 (K13) fireplace, hot tub, internet/wi-fi, iron/board,
Jacuzzi, kitchen/kitchenette, laundry, private
COFFEE COVE SEASIDE RETREAT (C) F bath/ensuite, waterfront view. $$: $200–$230.
2 Cottages, Jun 1–Oct 31 Loc: Main Road T: CC: AE, Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer.
(709) 267 5544 E: info@coffeecoveretreat. Central
com W: Description: Triton, Route 380 (K14)
Your home away from home with 2 unique
seaside cottages. TripAdvisor Certificate 7 Rooms, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 293 Main Street
of Excellence, chosen by “Downhome” as 1 T: (709) 263 2502 E:
of 12 unique places to stay. Boat tours, ATV W: Description: First-class
adventures, and mussel picking. Amenities: accommodations with 7 rooms, 4 of these
BBQ, balcony/deck, internet/wi-fi, iron/board, being regular rooms, and 3 fully-furnished
kitchen/kitchenette, no pets allowed (service and -equipped efficiency units. Amenities:
animals welcome), private bath/ensuite, rooms BBQ, balcony/deck, internet/wi-fi, iron/board, Accommodations
w/2 beds, waterfront view. $$: From $149. CC: kitchen/kitchenette, laundry, licenced dining,
MC, V, e-Transfer.
no pets allowed (service animals welcome),
Robert’s Arm, Route 380 (K13) private bath/ensuite, room service, rooms w/2
beds. $$: Single $95, efficiency unit $110, extra
ROBERT’S ARM MOTEL (H/M) person $10. CC: Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer.
4 Cottages, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 10 Main
Street T: (709) 652 3478 / 673 6737 TF: Badger, Route 1 (M13)
(877) 653 3478 E:
W: 1 Vacation home, Jun 1- Oct 31 Loc: 15 Main
Description: 2 minutes to lake and hiking Street T: (709) 486 3249 / 7984 E: info@
trails. Exceptionally clean. 20 km from Route W: destinationbadger.
1 on Route 380. Amenities: BBQ, gift shop/ com Description: Beautiful, open concept
convenience store, internet/wi-fi, iron/board, 2,400 sf riverside chalet. 3 large bedrooms, 2
kitchen/kitchenette, rooms w/2 beds, seniors’ full baths, 3 queen and 3 double beds. Max 12.
rate. $$: $118–$128. CC: AE, DC/E, Debit, MC, Fully-equipped kitchen, ample parking, and
V, e-Transfer.
firepit. Easy access to trails. Amenities: BBQ,
Pilley’s Island, Route 380 (K14) internet/wi-fi, iron/board, kitchen/kitchenette,
laundry, meeting facilities, no pets allowed
BUMBLEBEE BIGHT INN (service animals welcome), private bath/ensuite,
AND BREWERY (I) FI2 rooms w/2 beds, waterfront view. $$: Double
5 Rooms, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 188 Main Street T: $150, extra person $75, 12 guests maximum. CC:
(709) 702 4512 / (780) 713 7739 E: dcolbourne@ AE, Debit, MC, PayPal, V, e-Transfer. Description: 5 deluxe king
and queen rooms, Italian wood-fired oven menu, SUNNY MOTEL (H/M)
and delicious craft beers celebrating the local 4 Rooms, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 1 Badger Drive T:
beauty of the 3 island area. Bunks, brews, and (709) 673 8806 / 486 5623 E: yuandeor@gmail.
bites b’ys. Amenities: Balcony/deck, business com W:
centre, complimentary breakfast, fireplace, gift Description: Just 15 minutes from Grand Falls-
shop/convenience store, internet/wi-fi, laundry, Windsor, across from the gas station. It’s very
licenced dining, meeting facilities, no pets easy to find. Sunny Restaurant is in front of the
allowed (service animals welcome), private bath/ motel. Amenities: Internet/wi-fi, laundry, no
ensuite, room service, seniors’ rate, waterfront pets allowed (service animals welcome), room
view. $$: $160–$225. CC: Debit, MC, V. service, rooms w/2 beds. $$: $120. CC: Debit,
MC, PayPal, V, e-Transfer.
BREEZE B&B (B) F2 Grand Falls-Windsor, Route 1 (M14)
3 Rooms, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 14 Church Street T:
(709) 650 1132 / 869 2011 E: harbourbreeze71@ 13 Rooms, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 181 Grenfell W: Heights T: (709) 489 7912 TF: (800) 563 7133
Description: Located in beautiful Green Bay E: W:
South. Aside from our luxurious rooms, this Description:
region offers amazing hiking trails, sweeping This 4.5 star B&B in Grand Falls-Windsor
coastal views, and rich history. Amenities: was designed to make your stay unique,
Balcony/deck, complimentary breakfast,
comfortable, and fun. With a complimentary
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