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hot breakfast and staff service that is cribs, fitness facilities, internet/wi-fi, iron/board,
unparalleled. Amenities: AC, BBQ, balcony/ Jacuzzi, kitchen/kitchenette, laundry, licenced
deck, complimentary breakfast, cribs, fireplace, dining, meeting facilities, private bath/ensuite,
internet/wi-fi, iron/board, Jacuzzi, kitchen/ room service, rooms w/2 beds, seniors’ rate. $$:
kitchenette, laundry, private bath/ensuite, room $119–$262. CC: AE, Debit, MC, V.
service, rooms w/2 beds, seniors’ rate. $$: $70–
$149. CC: AE, Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer. RIVERFRONT CHALETS (C) F32
4 Chalets, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: Route 1 at Aspen
CENTRAL NEWFOUNDLAND Brook T: (709) 486 0892 E: kristaleahsharpe@
EXPEDITIONS (B) FI- W: Description:
3 Rooms, Jan 1–Aug 15 Loc: Frozen Ocean Lake T: 4½-star accommodation nestled amongst birch
(709) 486 3220 E: W: and aspen trees located in the heart of central Description: Experience Newfoundland on the banks of the beautiful
remote accommodations with all the modern Exploits River. Amenities: BBQ, electric car
conveniences. Amenities: BBQ, balcony/deck, charging station, hot tub, internet/wi-fi, iron/
complimentary breakfast, fireplace, internet/wi-fi, board, Jacuzzi, kitchen/kitchenette, no pets
no pets allowed (service animals welcome), rooms allowed (service animals welcome), waterfront
w/2 beds, waterfront view. $$: $125–$165, meals view. $$: $399. CC: Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer.
included. CC: Debit, PayPal, e-Transfer.
HILL ROAD MANOR B&B (B) FI2 1 Suite, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 72 High Street T:
6 Rooms, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 1 Hill Road T: (709) (709) 486 9679 E: W:
489 5451 E: W: hillroadmanor. Description: Spacious loft-
ca Description: Your premier destination for style apartment suite in downtown Grand
accommodations in the city. Located in the city Falls-Windsor. Near hospital, Sangers Walking
centre, Hill Road Manor is close to everything Trail, Gorge Park, Salmonid Interpretation
you need! Amenities: AC, BBQ, balcony/deck, Centre. Short walk to the Exploits River.
complimentary breakfast, fireplace, internet/ Amenities: AC, electric car charging station, gift
wi-fi, iron/board, no pets allowed (service shop/convenience store, internet/wi-fi, iron/
animals welcome), private bath/ensuite. $$: board, kitchen/kitchenette, laundry, no pets
$109.95–$180. CC: AE, Debit, allowed (service animals welcome). $$: $129,
off-season $99, second room $30. CC: Debit, MC,
HOTEL ROBIN HOOD & SUITES PayPal, V, e-Transfer.
(H/M) FI42
22 Rooms, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 78 Lincoln WESTWOOD INN AND SUITES (H/M) -
Road T: (709) 489 5324 / 4120 E: robin.hood@ 17 Rooms, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: Route 1, Exit W: 17 T: (709) 489 5639 TF: (888) 489 5630 E:
Description: Visit The “Enchanting World” of
Hotel Robin Hood & Suites where hospitality W: Description:
is our business. #1 hotel accommodation on Welcome! Our friendly staff awaits your arrival.
TripAdvisor and Google for the area. New Amenities: Internet/wi-fi, iron/board, kitchen/
business executive rooms. Amenities: AC, BBQ, kitchenette, private bath/ensuite, room service,
balcony/deck, business centre, complimentary rooms w/2 beds, seniors’ rate. $$: $99.95–$149.95,
breakfast, gift shop/convenience store, internet/ children (under 12) free. CC: Debit, MC, V.
wi-fi, iron/board, no pets allowed (service Bishop’s Falls, Route 1 (M14)
animals welcome), private bath/ensuite, rooms
w/2 beds, seniors’ rate. $$: $119.75–$159.75. CC: BROOKDALE COUNTRY INN (TH) F-2
AE, DC/E, Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer. 7 Rooms, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 10 Main Street West
T: (709) 258 7377 / 5500 TF: (888) 502 7665 E:
CONFERENCE CENTRE (H/M) F-2 Description: Quiet country setting. View and
133 Rooms, 16 efficiency units, Jan 1–Dec 31 feed our horses and take a hay ride. Convenient
Loc: 214 Lincoln Road T: (709) 489 2251 / 749 mid-island location. Amenities: AC, BBQ,
2492 TF: (800) 563 4894 E: linda.gouldingmp@ complimentary breakfast, fireplace, internet/ W: Description: wi-fi, iron/board, kitchen/kitchenette, laundry,
Full-service hotel with 2 food and beverage meeting facilities, outdoor pool, playground/
outlets, separate cottage-style and studio/ play area, private bath/ensuite, rooms w/2 beds.
housekeeping units conveniently located off $$: $99–$129, off-season rates available. CC: AE,
Route 1. Amenities: AC, BBQ, business centre,
Debit, MC, V.
170 | For more info call 1-800-563-6353