Page 174 - Benefits-of-Immigration-for-Newfoundland-and-Labrador
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THE SOUTHERN PORT HOTEL (H/M) F-2 signature window. Coastal boat access only.
16 Rooms, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 96-98 Canada Amenities: BBQ, balcony/deck, fireplace,
Drive T: (709) 885 2283 / 5816 E: tracie.carter@ internet/wi-fi, iron/board, kitchen/kitchenette, W: no pets allowed (service animals welcome),
Description: Modern hotel overlooking scenic waterfront view. $$: $150–$255, weekly and
Harbour Breton! Friendly and courteous off-season rates available. CC: MC, V, e-Transfer.
staff. Quarterdeck Pub and Eatery! Greco Botwood, Route 350 (M15)
Express on-site! Your home away from home!
Amenities: AC, BBQ, balcony/deck, business BESSIE’S COTTAGES (C) F-
centre, complimentary breakfast, electric car 2 Cottages, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 15 Water Street
charging station, gift shop/convenience store, and 1B Pumphouse Road T: (709) 486 0572 / 257
internet/wi-fi, iron/board, laundry, licenced 3647 E: Description: Two
dining, meeting facilities, private bath/ensuite, 2-bedroom, fully-furnished houses with cable
room service, rooms w/2 beds, seniors’ rate, TV. Located on a large private lot with firepit.
shuttle service, waterfront view. $$: Single $140, Close to many attractions. Amenities: AC, BBQ,
double $145, queen $149, efficiency unit $159. balcony/deck, hot tub, internet/wi-fi, iron/
CC: Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer. board, kitchen/kitchenette, laundry, private
bath/ensuite, rooms w/2 beds. $$: $100–$120.
Hermitage, Route 364 (T13)
CC: AE, Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer.
HICKEY’S INN (B) F Point Leamington, Route 350 (L15)
5 Rooms, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 6 Boys Road T:
(709) 883 2209 / 7942 E: lorahollett@hotmail. BY THE BAY B&B (B) F
com Description: Located in Hermitage on the 4 Rooms, Jan 1–Dec 12 Loc: 289 Main Street T:
South Coast of the island overlooking beautiful (709) 484 3364 E: W:
Hermitage Bay, where you can watch whales swim Description: A beautiful home
and eagles fly. Amenities: BBQ, balcony/deck, overlooking a spectacular view of the bay. We
internet/wi-fi, iron/board, kitchen/kitchenette, are here to provide a down home feeling, we
laundry, private bath/ensuite, waterfront view. $$: are your home away from home. Amenities: AC,
$85. CC: Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer. BBQ, balcony/deck, complimentary breakfast,
cribs, fireplace, internet/wi-fi, iron/board,
Gaultois (T13), via ferry from Hermitage,
Route 364 (T13) kitchen/kitchenette, laundry, no pets allowed
(service animals welcome), private bath/ensuite,
THE GAULTOIS INN (H/M) FY- seniors’ rate, waterfront view. $$: $110, suite
6 Rooms, May 13–Oct 31 Loc: 3 The Point $160. CC: Debit, MC, V.
Road T: (709) 841 4141 / 3191 Off-Season T:
(819) 647 8198 E: W: 1 Vacation home, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 337 Description: A genuine escape Main Street T: (709) 484 3415 / 290 3756 E:
to a breathtaking outport in Newfoundland’s Description:
fjordland. The most picturesque outport in Accommodates up to 10 guests. Stunning view of
NL. The perfect setting for hiking and sea- the marina. We share our Newfoundland culture
kayaking and a warm welcome. Delicious food! and food through our musical evening kitchen
Amenities: Balcony/deck, iron/board, licenced parties, by creating custom guest experiences!
dining, meeting facilities, playground/play area, Amenities: AC, BBQ, balcony/deck, fireplace,
private bath/ensuite, rooms w/2 beds, shuttle internet/wi-fi, iron/board, kitchen/kitchenette,
service, waterfront view. $$: $85, ocean view laundry, playground/play area, rooms w/2 beds,
room $95–$115. CC: Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer.
shuttle service, waterfront view. $$: Double $120,
Francois (T10), via ferry from Burgeo, extra person $30. CC: AE, Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer.
Route 480 (T8) or Hermitage, Route 364 (T13)
Fortune Harbour, Route 352 (K15)
1 Vacation home, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: Main Path GILLESPIE HOUSE (VH) FI-2
1 Vacation home, May 15–Sep 15 Loc: Route 352
T: (709) 658 7392 E: theoldsaltboxco@gmail. T: (709) 485 2552 / 2881 E: info@gillespiehouse.
com W: Description: ca W: Description: Nestled in
Ocean view, 2-bedroom restored “Old Salt the heart of Notre Dame Bay, the tranquility of
Box” vacation home in a secluded outport Fortune Harbour offers an escape to an authentic
community. A view of the fjord from our
outport experience at the Gillespie House.
172 | For more info call 1-800-563-6353