P. 17


                                 Marketing Tips for Women Entrepreneurs

               Are you a female entrepreneur searching for new ways to market your new business? If so, there

               are many great ways to do so. Even better, the suggestions mentioned here are very affordable.
               Remember, unless you're lucky enough to have an unlimited supply of capital, it's always best to

               go easy on your finances in the beginning.

               Always Have a Plan

               No matter what kind of small business you're in charge of, it's always best to have a plan before

               you put things into action. This is true of every aspect of running your business. You may want
               to keep an audio recorder or small notebook with you, or find a note keeping app for your

               smartphone. Once you have a plan laid out, stick to it to the best of your abilities.

               Set Optimistic Goals

               In order to get work done effectively, it’s best to establish goals that you can work to achieve

               throughout the day, week, or month. These goals should be things that are attainable. Otherwise
               you're just setting yourself up for failure. However, they should also be optimistic and

               challenging goals that will encourage you to push yourself in order to be as effective as possible.

               Know Your Target Market

               Research into your target market, before you even open your doors to the public, is crucial to
               your marketing plan. The more specific you can get, by drilling down categories, the better. Not

               only do you need to know things like age, gender and income bracket, you also need to know

               what motivates your ideal client or customer to buy.

               Build a Strong Portfolio

               As the owner of the business, the way that you present yourself is often the first impression that
               potential clients or customers get of your organization. Make sure to always have a resume or

               portfolio available so that your future business associates can see all the hard work that you've
               done in the past. If they're impressed with how you represent yourself as a person, it's much more

               likely that they’ll want to do business with you.

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