P. 18


               Form a Network

               It can be difficult to market your product or business on your own. Fortunately, social
               networking makes it easy for just about anybody to reach out to potential clients. Make sure that

               your business has a strong web presence, and establish pages for it on social media sites.  But,

               social media isn't the only way to establish a network of clients and business associates.
               Whenever your business works with another company, be sure to establish a relationship

               between the two of you.

               Keep Searching for New Opportunities

               Never pass up an opportunity to market yourself or your business to others. Make sure that you

               always have your business card with you in case you run across someone in your personal life
               that you want to form a connection with in your professional life. You never know where you

               might meet your next customer.  These are just a few marketing tips for women entrepreneurs.
               Realistically, this is just the beginning. Obviously, you don't have to try all these things at once.

               Trying one or two at a time is usually the better way to go.

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