Page 152 - Bowie State University Graduate Catalog 2018-2020.
P. 152
Chair: Dr. Lynn Long
Master of Arts in Teaching
Graduate Program Coordinator:
Dr. Constance E. Brooks
Room 233P, Center for Learning and Technology
The Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Degree is awarded to MAT Program
participants who complete the prescribed program of studies in pedagogy and
have an undergraduate degree from an institution of higher learning in arts and
sciences or others that meet regional accreditation standards (ex: English,
mathematics, science, social studies, others as approved). The Program is not
alternative route to certification in the State of Maryland. It not only facilitates
the preparation of students for certification eligibility, but it also affords them
the opportunity to earn a Masters’ degree. The MAT Program’s rigor is
embedded in the preparation of highly qualified teachers who seek certification
eligibility in content areas approved by the Maryland State Department of
Education (MSDE).
The Bowie State University MAT Program is a Maryland Approved Program
(MAP) through the MDSE and meets the National Council for Accreditation of
Teacher Education (NCATE) standards. Additionally, participants must complete
a comprehensive program of study with a collaborative cohort structure that
supports a solid knowledge base in the teaching profession including: (1) a
foundation in Cognitive Psychology to understand how people learn; (2)
developmental psychology (early childhood to adolescence) to understand when
students are ready to learn at various stages of mental and physical growth and
maturity; (3) application and research on effective pedagogy to improve their
teaching and raise their level of quality and effectiveness; (4) knowledge of
contemporary issues in education to assist in making ethical decisions in the
school setting; (5) curriculum development that relates to standards and
technology that impact on society; and (6) action research skills to enhance
methodology skills. Interns complete required courses in the methods of
teaching, develop techniques for working with diverse populations that have
special needs relative to variability (culture, learning, ethnicity, gender, age, SES,
others), acquire knowledge for the application of technology in learning and