Page 184 - Bowie State University Graduate Catalog 2018-2020.
P. 184
Chair: Dr. Charles Adams
Master of Arts in Human Resource Development and
Project Management Graduate Certificate
Graduate Program Coordinator:
Dr. Marsha E. Jackson
Room 360, Center for Learning and Technology
Human Resource Development (HRD) Practitioners are in high demand to help
organizations and individuals improve their performance. In this age of global
expansion, there is an ever increasing need for those who can teach others to
effectively manage relationships, the core of organizational potential, as a
gateway to improving organizational performance from the individual, team,
and structural levels. The Master of Arts in Human Resource Development
Program prepares future and current HRD practitioners to maximize their
knowledge, skills, and abilities in the full range of competencies required for
improving organizational and human performance.
From an adult learning perspective, the Human Resource Development Program
provides the broadest interpretation of human resource development, linking it
to concepts and principles associated with individual, group and organizational
performance improvement. Emphasis is placed on training, consulting,
curriculum design, leadership development, strategic planning, adult education,
facilitation, technology, and development of human resources from an
individual, team, organizational, and community level. It is inclusive of the
assessment, design, delivery, implementation and evaluation of programs aimed
at meeting the needs of employees and organizations. Incorporated within this
program design are management disciplines, such as organizational behavior,
organizational development, leadership development, and human resource
management, which further enhance the skills, knowledge, and behavior of the
Program Design
The HRD curriculum is designed to meet industries general and specific goals in
the development and management of individuals and organizations. Our
established course applications are used by private and public entities of all sizes.
We develop your specific competencies to make this practitioners field of study