P. 10

Chapter 2

               As a man thinketh

               The good book says that “as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”

               I used to think that money was something you worked for, and then spent. Hence, I

               just couldn’t accumulate much.

               What are your money beliefs?

               The strange thing is most people are neither aware they have a money belief, nor do

               they have a clue what that belief is.

               But the money belief can be seen from their money habits and the way they dispose

               of money any time they get it.

               Some people believe money is of the devil (“The love of money is the root of all

               evil”) and so, having too much of it is a bad thing. Which reminds me of a woman I

               met at another seminar. She said whenever her dad made significant amounts of

               money, he would immediately spend it all on loose women and stay away from

               home. He would only return home when the money finished. So, she concluded

               that the best thing to do in order for a marriage to be successful, was to marry a poor

               man, or to kick against any attempt at prosperity in her husband!

               Some others believe money has wings and would soon fly away, hence they spend it

               all up as quickly as it came.

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