P. 7
Ask him to show evidence of significant savings or investments made over that
period and he may be looking at you with a blank stare.
So the question is…where did all the money go?
I too have had to ask myself the same question.
After working for going on two decades, I had nothing to show for it. Even money I
saved was routinely withdrawn and spent. After all it was My money. I worked for it.
As events would have it, in 2018 I was fortunate enough to attend a personal
development seminar where I discovered that the greatest money thief in most cases
was the owner of the money.
How do we steal from ourselves?
There are several ways in which we rob ourselves. These include: -
- Living life without a budget
- Spending without documentation or records
- Spending without restraint on luxury and consumption items
- Having no savings culture
- Indiscriminate giving to anyone that asks
- Investments in businesses one has no knowledge of
- Investments in money doubling and tripling schemes or no investments at all