P. 21
investment vehicle that would begin to contribute towards the achievement of your
It is very important to have a budget and stick to it.
A man once went to visit a billionaire friend of his. He noticed that lots of people
would visit the tycoon, asking for money. And he would give out money until he hit
a total. After that, he would tell them to please come back the next month as he was
unable to assist them any further.
The man then asked the tycoon why he sent the people away after hitting that figure.
The tycoon told him that he had learned that he was not an unlimited resource.
That if he gave away money to everyone that asked, soon he would be broke as well.
So, he had long since placed himself on a budget. And every month, he had a
amount he had pre-determined to comfortably give out as his own contribution
towards helping people. Once he hit that figure, he stopped giving, until the next
If a tycoon worth billion can stick to a budget, I believe the rest of us would do well
to do same.
What happens if your income increases?
When you get a promotion, or you hit a major multimillion-dollar contract, do you
finally give yourself permission to go gaga with spending and self-gratification? No!