P. 24

I once invested in an advertised business opportunity that promised to quadruple my

               money in just 30 days. I was much younger and very gullible, so I eagerly put in my

               money and waited. To my greatest joy, I was paid! I got the expected money in my

               account. Wow, I was so excited, that I invested all my earnings again, hoping to get

               quite a windfall at the end of the next month.

               But alas, it was not to be so.

               I lost everything and the company promptly went under.

               Generally, it is unwise to invest ALL of your savings in any single investment

               opportunity; no matter how juicy and foolproof it seems and no matter how all your

               friends assure you that they have made a truckload of money from it.

               In the world of investments, it is better to play safe and keep your money than to be

               cocky and risk everything.

               So my investment advice is that you use the 90-10 Formula:

               Put 90% of your savings in safe, low risk investment and 10% in higher risk

               investment that has the potential to give you a high ROI.

               The reason for this is that if you lose money from a risky investment, you wouldn’t

               have lost everything, only 10% of your savings.

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