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                                    WRITING A DISSERTATION USING IEEE STYLE

                           IEEE Style Format

                       The IEEE Style Format is used by the Department of Computer Science. The IEEE
                       Editorial Style Manual is available online. For formatting not addressed in this manual,
                       consult The Chicago Manual of Style, published by the University of Chicago.

                          Font / Type Style

                       The font listed below is the approved font for dissertation publication. The same
                       typeface must be used throughout the document, for all paged, page numbers, labels,
                       captions, chapter headings, and so forth.

                       Script fonts are unacceptable, as are font sized below 12 point (Save for captions, etc.).
                       Italics should only be used for emphasis, not as the default font.

                       The Font that will definitely be approved by the Graduate School is:

                                                   Times New Roman 12

                       LaTeX users: The Computer Modern fonts in LaTeX are in most cases an acceptable
                       substitute for Times New Roman. Please keep in mind, however, that other defaults,
                       including margins and headings in technical software such as LaTeX may not conform to
                       Graduate School standards.

                       You must use the same typeface throughout the dissertation—for text, headings, page
                       numbers, labels, captions, legends, tables, notes, and references.

                       You may create headings that are two or three points larger than your standard typeface.
                       Thus, if you are using Times New Roman 12 for your text, your heading should not be
                       larger than 14. Your headings may, if you choose, be the same size as your text.

                       For symbols, use Symbol 12 or a symbol font compatible with your base font. Most word
                       processors include basic character fonts.

                          Formal Elements for IEEE Dissertations

                       The Abstract, Title Page, Copyright Page, and Table of Contents must be formatted in the
                       method described; other pages, as long as long as they adhere to the previously
                       stipulated requirements (font, margins, justifications, etc.) may be designed as the author
                       deems appropriate.

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