P. 136

requires in hard- copy. This document will be uploaded to ProQuest along with your
                       entire document electronically.

                       There is an approval page format sample in Appendix ____ acceptable for the

                          Blank or Copyright Page

                       (Required; not numbered).  Both master‘s degree and doctoral candidates may apply for
                       a copyright. This can be done through the electronic submission process (via ProQuest)
                       or through the Library of Congress. Follow the directions on the ProQuest website
                       when you submit your document to apply for a copyright.

                       There is a sample copyright page for theses and dissertations at the end of this

                          IEEE Preface of Forward/Dedication/Acknowledgments

                       According to The Chicago Manual of Style, a Foreword includes a statement about the
                       work by someone other than the principal author. A Preface contains the author‘s own
                       statement about a work, sometimes including acknowledgments and permissions. If all
                       you want to do is acknowledge others‘ assistance and support, then label the page
                       “Acknowledgements,” not “Preface.” Acknowledgements are made to recognize special
                       assistance or unusual permissions granted. You may wish to dedicate the work to a
                       special mentor, but avoid elaborate or fulsome language.

                       There is a sample acknowledgments page for dissertations at the end of this document.

                          IEEE Table of Contents

                       A table of contents is required in all dissertations. Most word processing software allows
                       you to mark each chapter heading and subscription in the text and then generate a table
                       of contents automatically with correct page numbers retained.

                       Please note that the numbering of the entries in the table of contents must be
                       absolutely consistent with any numbering system used in the text. Thus, if you number
                       subheadings within Chapter 1 as 1.1, 1.2, and so on, this same numbering must be used in
                       the table of contents, however, you need not number or label subheadings.

                       At the end of this section there is an example of the table of contents that is valid for
                       the dissertation.

                          IEEE List of Figures/List of Tables/List of Abbreviations

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