P. 137

A table includes written material or data, whereas a figure refers to non-textual
                       illustrative material. Unless your style guide directs otherwise, use the table and figure
                       captions from your text to identify these in the list. Be sure all captions and numbering
                       correspond exactly to those within the text. Check your style manual for the preferred
                       order in your discipline. Remember to keep the required 1.5” left hand margin.

                          IEEE Chapters

                       Begin each chapter on a new page and number the page consecutively. Do not use a
                       secondary page numbering system for sections within chapters.

                          IEEE Body

                       (Begin page numbering with Arabic numeral 1, and number all subsequent pages
                       consecutively to the end.) The body of the dissertation should be typed continuously
                       (except if your word processor is set to avoid “widows” and “orphans”). It should be

                       Each new chapter begins on a fresh page. The chapter title should be typed between 2”
                       and 3” from the top of the paper. Each chapter heading should be typed at the same
                       distance. Do you type some at 2” and others at 2.5” or 3” from the top.  Chapter
                       headings should be typed in Times New Roman not more than two or three points
                       larger that Times New Roman 12.

                       Remember, all elements in the dissertation must be typed in Times Roman 12.  You can
                       type your headings at 12 point as well, if you prefer.

                          IEEE Illustrations

                       In this guide, “illustration” is meant to cover all non-text elements of the dissertation,
                       e.g., figures, tables, maps, plates, photographs, drawings, and so on.

                       Each illustration must be numbered consecutively. Consult your style manual for a
                       consistent numbering and identification system.

                       Illustrations must be listed by category in the preliminary pages. All illustrations must
                       conform to the minimum margin formats. If illustrations are larger, then use
                       photographic reduction to achieve an appropriate size. Remember, page numbers and
                       figure captions must be in the standard font and size, consistent with the body of the
                       dissertation text.

                          IEEE Headings

                       IEE Style uses five types of headings to organize the ideas within an article, thesis,
                       or dissertation. IEEE allows the use of numbers (or seriation) to present ideas that

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