P. 47
M. Final Editing and Submission of the Dissertation
Almost all Dissertations require at least minor editing after the oral defense. The
candidate has four weeks from the date of the oral defense to
Complete these editorial changes;
Make sure that the Dissertation is properly formatted.
Obtain the signature of the Advisory Committee Chair, and
Submit the final edited Dissertation to the Dean of Graduate School for
approval to upload the document to ProQuest/UMI.
PLEASE BE SURE TO NOTE: The submission to the Dean of the
Graduate School should include
A final copy of the dissertation that adheres to the
University Standards,
One original signature page held for uploading purposes
with the read Bowie “B,” and
An abstract of not more than 350 words.
The Dean of Graduate School reserves the right to reject any
dissertation that is not prepared in accordance with the appropriate
style manual for the discipline.
The Dean of Graduate School must approve all complete dissertations.
N. Submitting the Dissertation for Publishing and Binding
After successful dissertation defense, any necessary revision, and proper formatting,
the steps to be taken for publishing and binding include the following:
The Dissertation must be cleared by the Dean of the Graduate School after it has
been successfully defended and all revisions suggested by the committee have been
A receipt of payment must be submitted to the Dean of the Graduate School before a
final clearance and approval will be granted.
Once cleared, students should upload their dissertation to ProQuest/UMI
( with the original copy of the committee signed sheet. In
the column that requires an address where the completed dissertation will be mailed,
please be sure to fill out the Office of the Graduate School.
After publication and printing, the dissertation must be mailed to
the Graduate School Bowie State University, Center for Business and Graduate
Studies, Suite 1312. 14000 Jericho Park Road, Bowie MD. 20715.