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                          A.  Minimum of Six Credits of Research
                          A doctoral candidate must complete a minimum of six credits of research after
                          achieving candidacy and before graduation.
                          Normally, these will be in Dissertation
                          Research (EDAD 669 or EDAD 700) for
                          Educational Studies and Leadership; and
                          ORGC 502 and 738 in the case of
                          Organizational Communications. However,
                          credits earned in courses with other
                          numbers, provided they are clearly research
                          or dissertation research credits, may also be
                          counted. As these credits reflect continuing
                          work on a single project, a grade is assigned
                          only for the last semester before graduation
                          (A, B, C,)

                          B.  Registration and Defense
                          Candidates must be registered during the semester when they defend their
                          dissertation and the semester when they submit their final work to the Dean of
                          Graduate School. A student candidate must be so registered unless all degree
                          requirements, including submission of the Dissertation final copies, have been
                          completed before that semester, but an application to graduate has not been filed
                          by the appropriate deadline.

                          Deadlines for registration have been determined for each academic period. Please
                          consult the University Academic Calendar.

                          C.  The Challenges of Summer Defense
                          Summer Defenses are challenging. Student candidates are discouraged from
                          attempting an oral examination defense during summer, because it is often difficult
                          to obtain an adequate Dissertation Examining Committee. Under unusual
                                                         circumstances, however, an oral defense may be
                                                         held during the summer. In this case, the student
                                                         candidate must register for the appropriate
                                                         section of dissertation hours during either the
                                                         first or second summer session.

                                                         This rule is in effect if an oral defense is held
                                                         between June 1 and Labor Day.

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