P. 48
You must show the correct Graduate School address before your uploaded document
will be approved and sent to ProQuest/UMI by the Graduate Dean. Students may
request additional copies of their dissertation through ProQuest/UMI. All copies must
be mailed to the Graduate School. Students will be notified to pick up their bound
copies as soon as they become available.
Generally, the doctoral programs in Education adhere to the formatting guidelines provided
by the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
Manual (APA Manual). Computer Science, however, uses the style manual for the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). If you have any uncertainty about the proper style
manual to use for your discipline, consult your chair.
Note: New doctoral programs will be added in the coming years. The guidelines for
dissertation formatting will follow the style manuals and formats used in the disciplines.
Psychology and the Social Sciences follow APA. History and other disciplines in the
Humanities use the Chicago/Turbanian style manual. English Studies uses the Modern
Languages Association (MLA) style book.
The final electronic file that you upload to the ProQuest (UMI, formerly University
Microfilms) through the Dean of Graduate School must
✦ Be submitted in the ProQuest/UMI electronic dissertation format
✦ Be in an approved font (Times New Roman).
✦ Be properly formatted with acceptable margins, line spacing, page numbering, and
✦ Contain all required Formal Elements of the Dissertation (as determined by your
discipline and the Graduate School)
Find the ProQuest acceptable format at
Microsoft software is widely available, and is present on most campus computers. At the
time of this printing, students are able to download Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus for free
through the Bowie State University website.
Most commercially available word processing software packages, including Word and
WordPerfect (versions 6.0 and above) have the capability to save into ProQuest/UMI portal.
Dissertations and Theses are published by ProQuest electronically as PDF files; all files
submitted to ProQuest will be converted into usable PDF‘d for evaluation and publication.
Committee chairs available to provide additional information as requested.