Page 16 - Florida Sentinel 2-18-20
P. 16

Gayle King Accepts Snoop Dogg's Public Apology
    Uganda's Queen Of Katwe Star Nikita Pearl Waligwa Dies Aged 16
 An actress who starred in the Queen of Katwe, a Disney film about a chess prodigy from a Ugandan slum, has died aged 15, Ugandan media report.
Nikita Pearl Waligwa
had been diagnosed with a brain tumour.
The 2016 film was based on the true story of Phiona Mutesi, who took up chess aged nine despite not being in school and went on to compete in international tournaments.
It starred Lupita Ny- ong'o as her mother and David Oyelowo as her
Nikita Pearl Waligwa played Gloria, a friend of the protag- onist Phiona, who explained the rules of chess to her.
chess teacher.
Lupita Nyong'o talks
about her role in the Queen of Katwe
Waligwa played the role of Gloria, a friend of Phiona who explained the rules of chess to her.
She was first diagnosed with a brain tumour in 2016 and Queen of Katwe director Mira Nair reportedly mo- bilised people to help fund her treatment in India, with Ugandan doctors quoted as saying they did not have the necessary equipment.
She was given the all- clear in 2017 but last year was found to have another tumour.
NEW YORK, NY – Snoop Dogg ignited a flurry of con- troversy when he lashed at out seasoned journalist Gayle King for her CBS This Morn- ing interview with WNBA leg- end Lisa Leslie.
During their conversation, King broached the topic of Kobe Bryant’s 2003 sexual assault case and appeared to belabor the point after Leslie politely confirmed it didn’t complicate Bryant’s legacy for her.
Like countless others, Snoop felt the timing of the question was inappropriate
and insensitive considering Bryant had just passed away. So, he impulsively headed to Instagram and issued a proper “f**k u” to both King and Oprah Winfrey.
He elaborated on the topic in a follow-up Instagram video, drawing the wrath of former U. S. National Security Adviser Susan Rice who told him to “back the **** off” of King.
After Snoop said he had a conversation with his mother, he decided to publicly apolo- gize to King, stating he was “raised better” than that.
Halle Berry Is 'Her Own Valentine' In Stunning Photo Posted Online
 Halle Berry's Valentine's Day post came late over on her Instagram. It also came solo, with the 53-year-old Oscar winner reminding the plat- form that she's her "own damn valentine."
Halle did make headlines over Valentine's Day for being spotted in L. A. shopping for her kids – given that The Daily
Mail snapped the "Cat- woman" actress with bagged toys and clothes in each arm, it did seem that the star had some kind of celebration on the cards.
Halle updated her Insta- gram on Saturday night with a stunning photo dedicated to the day of love, but no man (or woman) was with her.
    Atlanta DA Reviewing Alleged Evidence In James Brown Murder Claim
An Atlanta prosecutor is looking into claims made by a woman who attests that James Brown was mur- dered. The woman, Jacque Hollander, delivered a bin of alleged evidence to Fulton County DA Paul Howard on Wednesday (Feb. 12).
Hollander is reviewing the materials before deciding on a formal investigation.
The Godfather of Soul
died on Christmas Day in 2006, two days after being ad- mitted into an Atlanta hospi- tal. He was 73 years old.
Hollander, a former cir- cus singer and songwriter who collaborated with Brown in the 1980s and became apart of his “inner circle,” claims that she was also close friends with his third wife, Adrienne Brown, who died in 1996. Hollander also alleges that Brown raped her in the Geor-
gia woods one night in 1988 and threatened to kill her, and her family, if she told anyone. She filed a $100 million civil lawsuit against Brown the year before he died.
Nearly a dozen other people associated with Brown be- lieve that he was the victim of a
homicide, and that his death should be investigated, includ- ing his doctor. The music leg- end's late daughter, LaThonda Petit, and late son-in-law, Darren Lumar, both alleged that he was mur- dered. One of Brown’s friends, who also believes that he was murdered, swiped a vile of his blood from the hospital after he died.
Brown’s official cause of death is listed as a heart attack and fluid in his lungs. Dr. Marvin Crawford, who signed Brown’s death certifi- cate, told CNN last year that he questioned how the soul leg- end deteriorated so quickly after being hospitalized. “He changed too fast. He was a pa- tient I would never have pre- dicted would have coded. But he died that night, and I did raise that question: What went wrong in that room?”

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