Page 5 - Florida Sentinel 8-27-19
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   Be Ambitious!
 “Keep away from those who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you believe that you too can become great.”
~Mark Twain
mpowered Greet- ings. I hope you are ready to have the fire of ambition re- ignited in your life. If so, then keep reading. Wikipedia de- fines ambition as the desire for personal achievement. It provides the motivation and determination necessary to achieve.
Whatever it is you desire to achieve before this year is out, do it with adamant am- bition. Don’t let anything stop you! Thomas Jeffer- son said, “Nothing can stop the man with the right men- tal attitude from achieving his goal...” Be ambitious!
The very substance of an ambitious person is merely the shadow of a dream, ac- cording to William Shake- speare. Ambitious people only need a glimpse of what is possible and they will pursue
it at all cost.
Re-ignite your ambition
by moving fast forward to- ward living your dreams. Be ambitious!
Re-ignite your ambition by going after what you want. Be ambitious!
Re-ignite your ambition and don’t wait for anybody’s stamp of approval to pursue you passions. Be ambi- tious!
Re-ignite your ambition by being fearless and un- shaken about your future. Be Ambitious!
Re-ignite your ambition because GREAT things are on the horizon for you, if you be ambitious!
Let's stay connected for continued growth strategies for ministry, life and busi- ness. Follow me on Social Media.
Facebook: Selphenia Nichols Success Coach To Women; Instagram: Selphenia; and Twitter: queenodsuccess1.
To request Selphenia to speak or train at your upcom- ing events, call (813) 603- 0088.
 New Data Shows USF Increases Supplier Diversity Spending
 University spending with diverse suppliers up nearly $8 million over the past year
The University of South Florida’s strategic initiative to increase spending with businesses owned by minori- ties, women and veterans has resulted in significant gains, according to new data com- piled from USF’s most recent fiscal year.
In 2018-19, USF spent nearly $35 million with di- verse suppliers, an increase of nearly $8 million from the previous year and almost double the amount from 2016-17 ($18 million). Over- all, 8.7 percent of the univer- sity’s competitively sourced purchases last year were made with diverse suppliers.
The improvements con- tinue a pattern of consistent growth since early 2017 when USF implemented a university-wide emphasis on working more closely with businesses owned by minori- ties, women and veterans to provide ample opportunities to compete for providing USF with goods and sup- plies, construction services
TERRIE DANIEL ...Asst. Vice President Of Supplier Diversity
and professional services. Over that time, USF has spent more than $80 million with diverse-owned suppli- ers.
“The University of South Florida is deeply committed to supporting diversity and inclusion, including with the Tampa Bay region’s business community,” said Terrie Daniel, Assistant Vice Pres- ident of supplier diversity, who joined USF in April 2017.
“Our results can be attrib- uted to the hard work of many dedicated people and our university leadership, in-
cluding new USF President Steve Currall, who has ex- pressed his support for con- tinuing this important initiative.”
Daniel and her team continue to focus on out- reach efforts and expanding programming opportunities for businesses to learn more about the university’s pro- curement processes and how they might be able to work with a large organization like USF.
The office of supplier di- versity also educates USF staff and faculty on best practices for considering mi- nority, woman and veteran- owned businesses when making purchases.
USF will hold its third annual Supplier Diver- sity Day on Friday, Oct. 4th. The all-day event brings together the Tampa Bay re- gion’s business community with key purchasers from USF, aiming to strengthen relationships, further edu- cate vendors about the uni- versity’s procurement process and offer guidance for successfully competing for future business opportu- nities at USF.
    Community Forum On Depression, Suicide Prevention Planned
   An educational forum on depression and suicide preven- tion, issues that directly impact our society will take place. The forum is free and open to the public. However, registration is required.
The forum will take place on Wednesday, September 18, from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. It will be held at Barksdale Adult Ac- tivity Center, 1801 North Lin- coln Avenue, in Macfarlane Park.
Entitled, “Reach Out: Know The Signs,” the forum is a dialogue on depression and suicide prevention.
The Mayor’s Youth Leader- ship Council, a program of the City of Tampa that works to allow local teens the opportu- nity to develop their leadership skills and apply them through various service projects and event workshops, sponsors the forum.
Panelists will provide an in- depth understanding of this complex issue by discussing means of treatment for depres- sion, how to identify risk factors for suicide, and personal expe- riences with these pressing is-
sues. Each speaker will have an individual presentation, and then the floor will be open to any questions the audience may have for the panelists.
Speakers include: Ashley Cameron, The Crisis Center of Tampa Bay; Psychiatrist Dr. Maulik Trivedi, and teacher Mia Franz.
Various community organi- zations will also be hosting booths to provide additional in- formation.
The forum is designed for all members of the community, es- pecially teenagers, and their parents.
Reservations for the event are requested by Sep- tember 13, 2019 and can be made by contacting Molly Biebel, City of Tampa Youth Development Coor- dinator, at (813) 274-5909, or via email at molly.biebel@tampagov. net.

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