Page 7 - Florida Sentinel 8-27-19
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August Is National Black Business Month
 As the month comes to a close, this is an oppor- tunity to spend $31 with a Black-owned Business
This year marks the 15th National Black Business Month Anniversary of the crusade launched by Fred- erick E. Jordan and John William Templeton in California 2004. Both Jor- dan and Templeton’s goal was to draw attention to the needs of Black entrepreneurs and for 31 days of August by challenging local officials, community leaders, venture capitalists to focus efforts on creating a more hospitable environment in which black- owned business can grow.
Currently, there are over 20 states from Maryland, Michigan and our state of Florida that have established programs recognizing Black
Business Month. Addition- ally, over 300 libraries across the country recognize Black Business Month.
On Saturday, August 31, 2019 @ 11:31 AM – 3:31 PM,
“The Power of 31 – An Eco- nomic Stimulus Day,” cham- pioned by Sherryl J. Cusseaux, challenges the community to support Black- owned businesses in using The “Power of 31.” Spend $31 Your Way with a Black- owned Business. Cusseaux & Associates, Inc., in partner- ship with THAPgroup, DSI Black Pages, Tampa Bay BBIC, Call Ricky Ask Ricky, N-Touch News, Ariel Busi- ness Group, Afroganix, and 5508 Co-working & Collabo-
rative Exchange and others, invite the community to cele- brate National Black Busi- ness Month, and show Black-owned Businesses “They Do Matter In Our Community.” Black-owned Businesses will showcase their products and services at the 5508 Event Center. Free to the community, join the movement to support and "Buy Black," Spend $31+ Your Way.
The community will be treated with a myriad of
small and start-up busi- nesses. The event will culmi- nate with DSI Black Pages unveiling its 26th Anniver- sary.
The Power of 31 creates an Economic Stimulus Month and Day worth celebrating. Commit $31 or more to spend with a Black-owned business. Donate $31 to a non-profit, or pay $31 or more forward to a business.
Using social media out- lets, shout-out the Black- owned business visited or supported during National Black Business – August 2019 using hastags: #NBBM, #31WAYS, #31DAYS, #SPEND31YourWay, #P31.
For more information, to attend, be a vendor, or regis- ter your business, contact Cusseaux & Associates, Inc. at 813.540.9729, ext. 801 or email

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