Page 8 - Florida Sentinel 8-27-19
P. 8

County Commission Chairman Named ‘Kappa Man Of The Year’
Computer Literacy
  Classes For City
Residents Planned
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
A local, well-known com- puter company has an- nounced plans to host Computer Literacy Classes for residents of the City of Tampa. Having been offered in the past, residents are requesting that the classes be made avail- able again.
Ralph Smith, founder and CEO of Computer Men- tors, Inc., said the classes are being sponsored in part by the City of Tampa (CDBG fund- ing) and Charter Spectrum. The Adult Computer Literacy classes are designated for adults. The classes are free and open to the public. How- ever, participants must reside in the city limits of Tampa.
The classes will be held at Cyrus Greene Community Recreation Center, and Oak Park Recreation Center. There will be two training classes of three sessions each.
The first 3-day class will be held at Oak Park Recreation Center on Sep- tember 16, 17, and 19, and will take place from 10 a.m. until 12 noon.
The second 3-day class will be held at Cyrus Greene Recreation Center on September 24, 25, and 26. They will also take place from 10 a.m. until 12 noon.
Each class has a maximum of 15 people. Anyone inter- ested in participating can sign up at the door of either loca- tion.
2019, Computer Mentors Group conducted adult train- ing at Regan Park and Cyrus Greene. A total of 35 local adults completed the program and most received a free take home computer from the pro- gram.
“The next sessions will not include a free take home com- puter, but students will receive six (6) hours of training on the
... Founder and CEO of Computer Mentors, Inc.
use and operation of Windows 10 and Microsoft Office. There will also be cyber secu- rity discussions on how to pro- tect yourself from viruses and other cyber security threats.”
He continued, “We also want to remind the public that we are currently and always recruiting for our youth pro- grams as well. This is a great time, at the beginning of the school year, to register. The two programs are the Kid- sCode Program for 4th through 8th grades and the TEENTech Program for 9th through 12th grades.”
The programs are offered at no cost to the public, both programs offer essential skills needed in today’s workforce.
Computer Mentors pro- vides technological training in Computer Science: coding and programming, Microsoft Technology Associates (MTA), and industry standard soft- ware language certifications that integrates with Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) for ca- reers and college readiness.
Students will experience project based learning, in a fun, innovative, and struc- tured environment. The pro- grams are ongoing, open enrollment, and are held throughout Hillsborough County.
To register and for more information, please visit our website at
County Commissioner Les Miller, center, along with members of Tampa Alumni Chapter, honored during the chapter’s 90th Anniversary in 2018 by the Board of Hillsborough County Commissioners.
  Les Miller was hon- ored by the local chapter during annual fundraiser ball.
The Chairman of the Board of County Commis- sioners of Hillsborough County, Lesley Miller, Jr. was named Kappa Man of the Year by the Tampa Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., during the fraternity’s an- nual fundraiser Black and White Ball.
Miller was awarded the chapter’s highest honor for his leadership, not only in the community, but for help- ing the chapter secure and put on premier events in the community.
“We wanted to honor you for your help in making the National Founders’ Day and 69th Southern Province Council Meeting successful,” Tampa Alumni Polemarch Roland C. Daniels told Miller, “as well as for the re- cruitment and being awarded of the 2023 Grand Conclave to Tampa.
“As chairman of the Board of County Commis- sioners, you are helping to make our community a bet- ter place to live, work and play,” Daniels said. “Thank you Brother Miller for all you do for the Tampa Bay area and Tampa Alumni
Reginald Linebarger being awarded the Tampa Alumni Chapter Polemarch Award from Polemarch Roland C. Daniels.
 Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.”
Miller, who joined Kappa Alpha Psi while a stu- dent at the University of South Florida in 1975, was humbled by the award.
“A gigantic thank you to the Brothers of Tampa Alumni Chapter for bestow- ing me this honor,” Miller said. “I work every day to make the lives of citizens in our county better. It is what was bestowed in me by my parents and becoming a member of Kappa Alpha Psi with our fundamental pur- pose that keeps me focused.”
Miller was not the only
member honored by the chapter.
Reginald Linebarger
was awarded the Polemarch Award for his behind the scenes work for the chapter. Linebarger has not only served as Reclamation Chair- man, which garnered the chapter back-to-back South- ern Province Reclamation Chapter of the Year, but also has served as the chapter’s budget master.
“For your untiring efforts to advance Tampa Alumni Chapter to a higher level, for always answering the call to serve, I say thank you,” Daniels said.

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