Page 10 - pnucc annual report 2020 final flip 3_Neat
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2020 PNUCC

                         BREAKING NEWS


        Market transformation                             have continued to be engaged in market            •  Utilities demonstrated true heart and
        remains above the fold                            transformation efforts to maximize the value        compassion for customers, offering
                                                          of the system and benefit Northwest utilities       substantive aid through the initial
        With a focus on the greater region, PNUCC
                                                          and their customers.                                economic downturn.
        members are working tirelessly as participation
                                                                                                            •  Leaders recognized that operations can
        in the energy imbalance market grows and
        efforts continue on the details around a          Opinion: Silver linings                             continue efficiently and effectively with
        possible extended day ahead market. Regular       amid the challenges                                 employees working remotely, raising
        briefings are occurring at PNUCC meetings                                                             interesting possibilities about where
                                                          While 2020 seemed to careen from one crisis         we go in the future.
        where members are engaging in the finer
                                                          to another, PNUCC members found plenty of
        points of interest, including governance.                                                           •  There is no substitute for in-person
                                                          good news this year. Here are just a few of the
        On the transmission side, NorthernGrid, a         positive things we will take away:                  meetings! Even so, virtual meetings
        cohesive regional transmission planning                                                               proved effective with broader participation
                                                          •  PNUCC members were able to deftly                and increased levels of engagement.
        organization that consolidates planning efforts
                                                            pivot from one challenge to the next,
        was launched. It is a single entity where                                                           That said, the thoughtful and meaningful
                                                            demonstrating we are nimble, flexible
        transmission planning can be done, enabling                                                         discussions of 2020 demonstrated over
                                                            and adaptive.
        one common set of data and assumptions to                                                           and over how bringing the power of good
        eliminate duplicative processes.                  •  Every member utility was able to continue      ideas together is a hallmark of PNUCC.
                                                            providing critical services during the
        The events of 2020 could have overshadowed
                                                            pandemic’s most trying times.
        any of these efforts, yet, PNUCC members

        Bringing the power of good ideas together

        is a hallmark of PNUCC.

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